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Hi guys ,  here is an old doubt of mine .
What would be the best date for me to send you the Halloween pack .
On October first , a whole month before, for you to enjoy the images.
On November first , a day after,but still fresh to enjoy the images.
Please let me know to see if I start the images now or later, thanks .


Yupa (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-27 20:35:16 I'm French, we dont't do Halloween, it's "La toussaint", to clean the grave and remember our family. We don't eat candies, neither silly costume of american movies characters, we don't laugh : we are french, grey and dull
2023-08-27 18:35:14 I'm French, we dont't do Halloween, it's "La toussaint", to clean the grave and remember our family. We don't eat candies, neither silly costume of american movies characters, we don't laugh : we are french, grey and dull hu... what was the question ? :) so I say : november for the picture, when Halloween has meaning :)

I'm French, we dont't do Halloween, it's "La toussaint", to clean the grave and remember our family. We don't eat candies, neither silly costume of american movies characters, we don't laugh : we are french, grey and dull hu... what was the question ? :) so I say : november for the picture, when Halloween has meaning :)




HAHA . Brazilian here , its so hot here on our hemisphere in october 31th that wearing a costume would be a crazy thing . :P


my memories of childhood it's end of october in Corsica (island south of France) at the cemetery was both cold and boring :) I discovered Halloween in movies, I think it was E.T.


Brazil has some amazing horror stories and characters , BUT , people here is too worried with soccer to care with anything else. So , I am practically the only one that celebrate Halloween here that I know off . :P


Spooky Season all month long!


I fear I know about brazil stories only from movies. Dia dos Mortos, the whole imagery in movies like Coco (Pixar), The Book of Life (Fox) and many other stuff taking inspiration from the tradition of joyful death and colourful costumes


In the US, the people who love Halloween start getting into it as early as June. There are other countries and cultures to consider, but that is why I voted for October 1st. The art will be just as good on November 1st.


Oh great , you mentioned only Mexican things Haha . Brazil is NOT a latin country and we have nothing of that . We just have soccer ,......


see I'm completely infected by hollywoodian stuff :). (and yes I thought mexican foklore around day of deaths was also around in brazil for festival. and I know even less in soccer ^^, )


HAHA , well , to be honest my country do Nothing on showing us on a good light to the world . The gov only care to make money , and the people to watch soccer ...


who cares governments ? not me. Ho about Brazil, do you have some cute local characters in your arts ?


I know ! I totally did a mix with Rio Carnival. (I edit my mistakes in real time... )


We have very little cartoons and animations that I could use. And adding it on my packs will not resonate with my patrons . :(


too bad :(. Maybe in a commission one day. or why not french cartoon characters.


Look for Monica's gang . Its the best Brazil have , and I made several images of the main girl . I just never posted it .... :P


okay, I read some page , I see how it may be complicated.. And again I didn't know it. Comics from south america I know best (I have the full edition) is Mafalda, and it's from Argentina.


Characters like Monica were meant to be flat and 2d , what doesn't fit very well with my 3d looking renders . My painting attempts with her were so so ... :P


I see they did a tv cartoon in 2D, on youtube.


Ohhh great .... 50/50 .....


im also french and we DO celebrate halloween c'est bizarre comme quoi 2 français sont différent. t'es français de où?


i voted but its still 50/50 might as well do a coin toss if it end like that


Oh , Très jolie I was almost certain you was french , hehe ,


Corse. but now I'm near Paris for work. And honestly, we cannot say Halloween is very known in France, beyond movies. Some years ago they tried to push it in medias and ads to sell pumpkins, the pumpkin lobby :). but it's not popular like in america. :)


dang, i can't change my vote anymore to break the tie