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For future sexy pinup arts , what do you prefer ?
Characters from new and popular shows.
Or Characters from classic old shows ?

These are only some examples of the vast possibilities .



With a few exceptions of new shows (I define that as after 2010) I lean towards the older shows for the characters I prefer. But I LOVE Star Butterfly and, let's face it, who doesn't like a bad girl like Lord Dominator?

Job Stenna

I like Mina, Dominator and Rayla but there isn't much else I enjoy in regards to design. I know Enid was the biggest disappointment in terms of official design vs fan art.


why not Both?


almost forgot have you drawn the 2 sisters from Bob's Burgers?


Oh , I will do both . This poll is more for me to know better my patrons preferences .


well , for me the fun part is the challenge . So Enid will be a good subject


Oh dont worry , I will do some of these new ones for sure


I'm split -- there's definitely some cuties from new shows, but I hardly know any of them because... I don't really watch a lot of TV anymore. Sometimes I'm surprised. I'm voting for old, because there's a better chance I'll already have the hots for someone who ends up in a monthly pack.


To easy your worries , I can tell that I will do arts of all the old and new. I need to make money with my art , but I want to have fun doing them too , hehe


Like Russell P. I'm split as well. There are alot gorgeous characters from the new show, but as I don't watch TV as much. So I do hold a bias for the older shows. However, this time I'm going to chose the newer generation to change things up a bit.


Star Butterfly, Mavis and the Bunnicula girl are the only ones I recognize from new shows. But I also recognize other new characters not shown here like Leni Loud (Loud House), Pacifica NorthWest (Gravity Falls) and Isabella Garcia (Phineas and Ferb). I would love to see your take on those girls! :)


Old shows. Because sooner or later, the new shows become the old shows.


Dont worry , I will keep doing arts from old and new shows . this poll its just to gave me a better vision of what my patrons like .