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She was taking off her clothes to go to bed when someone called out from the other side of the house to ask where the fancy HDMI cable with the braided cord was. She lied and said she didn't know, but she's using it to connect her laptop to the TV in her room so she can watch Netflix with the volume really low while she falls asleep

This is a new habit, however, and she's unaware of the negative effect sleeping with a TV on has on her. Lately she's been wondering why she's more tired during the day and has been doing some research as to why. The top two likely choices are either cancer or a lack of vitamin D. Preferring to believe the latter, she's starting to take more walks around the neighborhood during the day, especially now that Summer is about to end.

Good for her.




Man, you got me like emotionally invested and shit.


Is that actually a cause to being tired? Damn, shutting off the TV when I sleep now


If I remember correctly, it's actually more that the blue light in tv screens (and phone screens too) break down melatonin, which would cause worse sleep, which in turn makes us more tired