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New month, new poll!

You know the rules! But if you don't- allow me to be brief...

Each month I host a Patreon Poll where you guys get to vote on what I draw.

But before we get to that, options have to be considered, right? Freedom is CHOICE!!


In the comments below, please feel free to write down suggestions for next weeks Patreon Poll!

Your fellow Patrons will be voting for the winner!

One suggestion per Patron. No biting.

(Please try to keep the suggestions 3 characters or under)

(This Poll Suggestion Thread will end March 8th)


The Magical Rodent That Summons Garlic Bread

Carmen is fed up with Kat and Sandy and sends them a naughty picture so they leave her alone for a few days. When she takes it and sends it she hers a notification noise from under hear bed and the closet followed by protest that that isn't enough. Optional everyone is naked again ;)


Joeys mom is taking a shower &, I'm not sure where to go from there...


Sorry 4 characters but Kat and Sandy attempting to talk Carmen into lifting up her shirt for Mardi Gras beads. Just when she's about to Joey's mom jumps in and beats her to it.


Gotta keep the comic going. Joey's Mom runs into Kat and Sandy planing their next attempt at getting pictures of Carmen (still naked of course). She stares at them judgingly before quickly undressing herself and pulling a camera out of nowhere. Sandy questions where Joey's mom got the camera from and Kat replies "where there's a will there's a way... but seriously I probably wouldn't touch that thing. "


Kat stealing all Carmen's clothes and waiting with a camera for her to come get them


Joey motorboring Carmen

Charlie Ryan

#wholesome Cardboard Couples (patent pending) enjoy spring together Kevin begrudgingly hints he enjoys it


Classic body swap troupe where Joey and Carmen wake up in each other's bodies. However, both of them are more interested in "exploring" this new territory than getting back too quickly


Some good ol jackie


St Patrick's day and everyone is dressed in green, Kat however is covered entirely in green body paint and Joey's mom is but only the top half