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Isnt't it always the way? Just when you wanna speed things up, someone wants to slow things down. You better have a good reason for this, Mike! 

If you want to read what came before, feel free to check out this link!

This will not be a very long chapter, only 10 pages, but I'm hoping the next chapter (the FINAL chapter!) will follow this one quite soon, and it'll be longer. :-)

The story and script was written by Peculiar Changeling. Check out his Patreon over here! Plenty of his stuff is available for free on websites such as DeviantArt or LegitFic, so don't let "paywall" be your excuse to not have read anything by him!!




Jenny got herself a KEEPER! But in fairness.... Mike got a keeper, too!


Yup Mike's a keeper that's for sure. As he's willing to throw away his own enjoyment just to make sure his partner is OK or better.