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Not a lot of kitties this time, but I'm sure they'll be back! ^_^ 

These were done for Hellothere778, Sierra, SilkyLibrarianGeek, Spudnificent728 and N.I.B.!




Hehehe. :3 Incase anyone is wondering picture four is of my Mommydom character, Nitika the Tauren. You don't take care of littles for as long as she has and not get a tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiny bit curious. >w>

BessJess (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-19 13:39:45 I'm not a comics person, but holy moly that Zatana one is exquisite. <3
2023-05-16 17:46:51 I'm not a comics person, but holy moly that Zatana one is exquisite. <3

I'm not a comics person, but holy moly that Zatana one is exquisite. <3


A schpankin' good time~!