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Hey everyone! A little announcement: I'm opening up commissions as of now. :-) 

BUT.... It's 20 slots ONLY!
I will open up again later on, but I have no clue HOW MUCH later on.

Also: I'm giving patrons a little bit of a head start. But in 2 days (or, if I get 10 commissions sooner), I will post this in public channels as well.

I wanna give everyone a chance to get a commission. Patrons first, but not ONLY patrons. :-) 

I have a form you can fill out, to let me know what you like in your commission.
Find that form here! 

PLEASE NOTE: This info is posted here only, for the time being. But the link has been posted in the past as well, meaning, everyone who stumbles upon it, even if they think commissions are closed, can fill in the form. (in fact, someone already has before this came online... :P ) So this MIGHT fill up sooner because of that. 




Oooo, if I had the money I would pounce on this with both feet... but bills just came due. >w< Oh well, someone else gets to claim that slot. :P


Ur, quick reminds want is the cost of completing a reward sketch with no background?