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If you've been to the haunted mansion in any of the Disney themeparks, you might just recognise this gal! She's been in one of those stretching portraits for quite a few decades now! And now you know what she does on the off hours. ^_^ 

This piece was a bit of a coincidence. I did half of this as a reward sketch for JazSession some months ago. A few months later, I got a request for a commission that was basically EXACTLY that! By someone who isn't a patron, so they couldn't have seen the sketch!
Since I don't like to repeat myself to this amount of detail, I worked it out with Jazzy, and the commissioneer to use the earlier sketch and expand upon it. Here's the result. :-) 

The commission was done for someone who preferred not to be credited. But they did hint at wanting to see more of this girl in her pamps. So don't be surprised if she makes a return! ^_^
