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Hi everyone! It's been a while! 😁

It's been silent here for 10 days. I don't think that's happened since I started this Patreon. 🙂

Why is that?

Someone close to me is in the hospital. It's all going well, and it's not taking a whole lot of my time. But it IS taking a lot of my focus. I've been very tunnel visioned, only able to focus on 1 project at a time. And it so happened, I had a fun, but big project to work on. I'll let you know what that is VERY soon now! ^_^ 

Okay, so what's the plan now?

Well.... Business as usual, actually! Starting right now, I want to get back to doing things the normal way. If you've been waiting to hear from me on commissions, that should happen very soon now. Posting will resume as normal, starting today. And I plan on doing at least one sketch livestream this week to get a few of those out of the way. And... well, to get everything I want to post this month actually posted, I'm gonna have to spam you guys! 😀
So expect double postings to start happening soon. I don't have enough to post right now to start that right away, but I hope to rectify that soon. ^_^ 

HOWEVER..... Just cause I'm planning this, doesn't mean I can keep it up. I definitely hope I will, but I'm not sure. I AM sure everything is going to get done. I'm not worried about that. But if it turns out I still lack the focus, I'll probably do group postings. Posting several sketches in one post, for instance. 

So.... Don't worry, I'm doing fine, and this Patreon is NOT dying or slowing down! Good times are coming! ^_^
Now, I wish you all a great December month and happy holidays! And enjoy the floodwave of goodies coming up over here! 



So glad your OK Hof! Hope whoever was in hospital is doing better and continues to get better 😁


Wish you all strength you need and may your close one get well soon. So take your time and stay healthy, mind and body.


Love and energy to you and your loved ones ❤️


I'm happy to hear ur okay but sad about ur friend is in the hospital :c I know it very strong and u know we are all behind u! Take the time u need :) the artist matters more than the art

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-03 02:54:06 Sorry to hear they're in the hospital but glad it's all going well. I wish you the best of luck, Hoffy, and hopefully we ALL have a MUCH better 2022 than we've had 2021. ><
2021-12-13 13:54:22 Sorry to hear they're in the hospital but glad it's all going well. I wish you the best of luck, Hoffy, and hopefully we ALL have a MUCH better 2022 than we've had 2021. ><

Sorry to hear they're in the hospital but glad it's all going well. I wish you the best of luck, Hoffy, and hopefully we ALL have a MUCH better 2022 than we've had 2021. ><

Alex W.

So sorry to hear about this! Please, take all the time you need in this instance.