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So... This one may need a bit of backstory.
See, I have a Goddess named Goddess Aly. I have drawn 'us' together lots of times by now.
But for the record: I'm not Laura. Once upon a time, I designed Laura to represent me. But even if Laura looked like how I imagined I'd look had I been born female, reality by now has proven otherwise. I've grown out my hair, but I can't get it to look like Laura's by a long shot! ;-) 

Last few months in particular, I've gone through some changes on how I see myself. For the better, I can assure you! At the same time though, whenever I drew Laura, there was a distance. She no longer felt like "me". She certainly used to! 

So after discussing this with my Goddess Aly, and agreeing the shift in perception is largely due to her, we decided a new version of 'me' was in order. 

So.... This is my new persona to represent me! It's Fleur. And she's a lot more 'me' than Laura has been lately. ^_^

For those who've come to like Laura a lot: Don't worry, she won't be gone. She just no longer really represents me, I suppose. She's just an OC now. One I still love a lot, but one who will no longer be serving this particular Goddess. :-) 

How this will affect all of my avatars?..... I don't know yet! :-D For now, Laura remains the mascotte of my Patreon and DeviantArt. ^_^ 

Anyway, the realisation of all of this came a few months ago, right when I was in a small financial bind. So my Goddess actually commissioned me to do a Goddess drawing to commemorate the transition, one that I would have certainly be happy to do for free too, but I would never have had the time for it if we would have had to wait for that. :-D
Thank you, Goddess Aly, for everything you're doing for me! ^_^ 




Wow! Thanks for the explanation, it gives a lot of information I never even knew (like Laura once being a representation of you and Goddess Aly also representing someone). It's nice that you changed her to better represent you!


I’m glad you find it interesting! When I started out drawing kinks, I wasn’t yet living a kinky lifestyle. Not that my living room is a dungeon or nursery now, but at least I’m more experienced now. So Laura was the one I projected myself through. She represented all I wanted to be right then. I never realised that as my life changed, and I changed, my perception of what she represented would change. Live and learn!😊

Alex W.

I love Fleur! And congrats on finding a new direction!


I'm just the same. I started off with kink thinking one thing, but over time and being with my partner/domme, my perception of my initial kinks, other kinks, and the whole lifestyle has completely changed!


Nothing wrong with that, Hoffy. The same thing happened with me how I changed my persona from a random fox person to one that was basically the female form of my IRL self, so I get you on that. Congrats on new perspectives. Also Fleur is pretty. ^^


You’re welcome, flower. I love this one and I’m glad you’re happier with yourself now


Thank you!! Means a lot that you guys like these very personal drawings! ^_^