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Here's Sami from Advance Wars on a fateful mission....

This was a series of commissions done for Trixtercat.

Here's a description of the story:

1 - Sami is getting ready for a new mission! The proper padding is important! Thick, to hold a lot, cause she'll be without a bathroom for a while, but not so thick as to hinder her movements in the field. 

2 - Sami's all ready to go! (Plus an ALT where she forgot her pants. It's everyone's nightmare! ^_^ )

3 - While on patrol, she feels perhaps she needs a change. While she checks, however, she's discovered by an enemy soldier!

4 - Captured and led to the interrogation room, she's restrained and questioned. Of course, she doesn't betray anything, but this evil doctor seems awfully confident that she will...

5 - The fiendish machine does its work, and Sami is just about ready to cave. Her diaper is just about ready to explode! Outside though, it sounds like friends are coming to her rescue! 

6 - Safely back at the base, Sami is debriefed (okay.... changed!) by Nell, much to her embarrassment!




Omg I love love love love love Sami (and would always play as her in every game - mech parade for the win) so this is extra special to me