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Black Sails 3x03 Reaction

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I saw a very good commentary on Woodes Rogers a few months ago elsewhere on the internet: He's what James McGraw would have been if he'd been born rich (And presumably straight). Consider, his proposal is almost exactly what Thomas and James proposed: Pardons for all of the pirates, transporting new citizens to Nassau to form a self-sufficient city, and peaceful reincorporation into the British realm. Flint was willing to DEBASE himself before Peter Ashe in season two for this outcome. And Rogers seems to mean it. He really does want to avoid violence. But unlike Thomas or James, who were moved by idealism, he's motivated by expediency. It will be EASIER if the pirates all cooperate. That's why he's pushing for this angle. Not because he cares about redeeming their souls, but because he wants them to get out of his way. To the people benefiting from his leniency, I suppose it might not matter why he's doing it. If you're getting a full pardon and you get to walk away from a life of violence and fear without future pursuit looming over your head, you'd grab that offer no matter why they dangled it in front of you. But to us, who can see WHY, we can see that his motivations stem from money and power.


I know I already talked about the Max monologue in the cave, but I just wanted to add this. It is so fundamental to her character that she grew up looking in from the outside. That she stood "among the bugs and the filth" staring in on what should have by all rights been hers. That little girl was her age. The man inside was *her* father. But only one of them was kept warm and loved and safe inside that room. It's really heartbreaking.


I didn't remember this scene of John saying that he gave up the claim to his share. I always thought that Max and the 3 crews (Flint's, Jack's and Vane's, or at least just Jack's and Flint's) split the gold equally. So if they did split it, what share is John talking about? An extra? And if the split didn't happen, why was Jack concerned about Flint and Vane finding out about the exchange of some of the gold? And did the Walrus crew really accept not getting their share, after everything they've been through? I feel I'm missing something here, but right now I can't remember.


I imagine that Silver would have gotten a far larger share originally, as he would have been included among the "crew" of Jack, Anne, and Max (which had far less crew members). Even if him being included with them wasn't known to others, he would have originally been getting a larger share because of that, rather than the smaller shares gotten once the gold was dispensed more evenly among the three crews. BUT, I think Silver was also talking about his "share" that he would have gotten as part of the Walrus crew. Meaning he gave up two shares. That's how I always took it anyway, someone else can correct me if they know more.