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Violet Evergarden Episode 13

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Hey guys, I'm posting this for the Violet fans as I know a lot of you will be sticking around for Ranking Of Kings in a few weeks time. I'm after putting together a Discord for us regular Patrons to discuss the shows further. There's separate channels for discussing shows with full series spoilers, or for no spoilers past the latest episode reacted to. There's also a channel for recommending series and anything else to one another, something we haven't been able to do since Patron got rid of Member Posts/Community tab, as well as the spreadsheet detailing everything the girls have/haven't watched. Enjoy, and Merry Christmas! https://discord.gg/YsJNAxbz


I know one of the movies is meant to be the actual conclusion, but I’d be happy with this show ending here.


the last movie is incredible and expands upon/wraps up many other storylines and characters that didnt wrap up fully in only the anime episodes alone. that said, many people (seems to be the louder minority because as a whole the movie is VASTLY well received) do not like a certain aspect of it, me included on that one specific thing, but they DO handle it well for what it is. i think most people just want it to end the way they want in their minds so they dont want you to watch them for that reason. you should really just watch it and judge for yourself, they are definitely worth seeing in that right, its the end of the story.


Yes, I am kind of shocked to see so many negative comments about the final movie since I’ve only heard great things about the movie (as a whole) so far!


The final movie is amazing! I absolutely loved it! It continues and wraps up the story so I don’t understand why some people are telling you not to watch it (???) The arguments I’ve seen is all about the matter of their taste or what not, which I think okay fine but LOL not a reason for others not to watch them? But yes Highly highly highly recommend continuing with the movies!!

Daniel Molina

Based on everything you both said in the end discussion I guess my recommendation would be to just not watch that final movie. I agree with you both, this is a PERFECT ending to the story and I still cant understand why it was continued when it was already so perfectly wrapped up. Like Lola, i am able to kind of separate my enjoyment of the show vs that final movie but I won’t lie, if i had known what that final movie was about I prob would not have watched it. However, I don’t think it ruins everything for me, it’s just frustrating because it is not as good as an ending as this was. At the end of the day the decision is yours, but just taking into account everything you said in this discussion, I don’t see how it will be enjoyable for the both of you. These 13 episodes are so damn beautiful and will forever be one of my all time favorite shows so I am glad you both enjoyed it!


its really as simple as the story isnt over, the author wrote more, its not supposed to completely end there despite how good of an ending it it, it's still lacking things that get explored more in the movie. anyone can have their opinion on not watching the rest because they didnt like it (but thats only after theyve watched and judged it for themselves), but its honestly a disservice to the author and story itself to not finish it just because others have said its not how they wanted it. and as said before the movie is typically widely regarded as a very beautiful good movie so that just makes it even more frustrating when theres a group of people telling you to not finish the story. people can formulate their own thoughts once theyve watched it for themselves.


I just finished the second movie, and I'm honestly wondering if I watched the same film as others in the comments here. Like the film doesn't treat Violet and Gilbert's relationship any different than the show. They just came across as platonic soulmates in my view. I can understand if people preferred the show's ending, but the movie doesn't go where others here claim. Not really looking to argue or diminish others' opinion on the movie, I'm just confused by some of the comments here.


Watch the movie A Silent Voice if you want to see more of KyotoAnimation works. The animation and the story is really good and kyotoani did a great job with this movie