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HH82 Reaction

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here before watching this lovely episode reaction today to once again recommend 86 as you two would be the best to watch/discuss/enjoy it!


agree, 86 insanely good show idk why we're randomly recommending other anime on this thread but id love them to watch dr stone aswell

Jay rellim

"a lot happens in this episode, but also a lot doesnt" hahah i love this journey for you


The reason it was the bunny chimera ant (Rammot) to get nen is the same reason Gon and Killua got nen, as well as the three fighters from Heavens Arena. A nen attack that didn't kill them opened their "micropyles", the openings from which aura can flow. Wing delivered a restrained attack against Gon and Killua to awaken them, whereas the three fighters from Heavens Arena received the "traditional greeting" from floor 200 veterans, which was a totally unrestrained nen attack which partially destroyed their bodies.


The way y'all have been nothing but stressed out since this arc started is honestly so funny. I feel you girls, my first experience was also traumatising lmao, can't wait for more !


Please ignore the toxic comments. If people are displeased with 2 eps/week they can unsubscribe and funnily enough watch them for free when they're public on youtube. People pressuring them to react to more episodes / week forget the fact that it's about the journey not the destination. Rushing through the episodes would make me feel somewhat less excited about these reactions. The anticipation that comes with it it's also part of the experience and 2 episodes / week is decent enough to get my "fix". They will be done with this series in about 8 months if they keep this pace. If you can't wait for it then it's a you, not them problem. Peace


It's funny you mentioned their gender(s)! This show has a nonbinary/androgynous character that I love =)


Yeah this show shocks me sometimes with how dark it gets lol. I was not prepared for human dogs when I watched this as a kid,


Gon is all about justice is the best way to put it for me. I love that he will not stand for senseless killing & always trynna help people first. He even hesitated on his first attack with the centipede chimera. Gon’s reactions during this arc so far is my highlights for this show.


What's up, you're not gonna tell me a system that has been established and explained in detail, even being part of a previous plot, is a spoiler, are you? It's supposed to be understood by the audience.

David Salazar

Ya bro but we have PHd in Nen lol i am pretty sure they will catch on on there own with what happens in the next couple of episodes


Bugs can survive after being split in half, that's why the guy didn't die immediately.

Jack SV

See.. I was asked once by my cousin if her 10 year old daughter can watch this show then I remember this arc I told her maybe when she is 16 lol. The tone of this show definitely is dark but even in the Yorknew city arc wasn’t this mean. Again, the cruelty displayed by the ants is so ..mean but I guess it’s because these creatures are supposed to be a reflection of our worse qualities as humans being or at least that’s how I see it. Maybe with the exception of Colt and the penguin looking ant.

Shivering King Banana

Funny enough if a bunch of people did unsubscribe they'd probably take less vacations and actually upload more.


I'm truly enjoying these reactions can't wait for the upcoming episodes.


It's been MANY episodes but way back in Heaven's Arena with Wing he explained Nen in detail He said that people can unlock Nen naturally through training (like Zushi did) but also that someone with Nen (Person A) can touch someone (Person B) with Nen to unlock their Nen more quickly if they have strong potential Wing unlocked Gon and Killua's Nen by touching them with his and subsequently Gon and Killua unlocked Rammot's Nen (the crazy rabbit bird chimera)


There’s also at least one among the ants who never has pronouns explicitly stated which was intentional on Togashi’s part!


Have been in a similar situation… like I try to throw out the trigger warnings with this show with terrifying scenes like this and Hisoka etc Glad LM recognize how terrifying it is to see Gon and Killua kill


I love how you both talk about Gon! Its reassuring to know that you have a pretty solid grasp on his personality and how he feels and reacts to things. Genuinely can't wait for your discussions about his character (and Killua's!) in the future episodes of this arc


訳していただけると嬉しいです。              私が初めてこの話を見た頃は小学生だったのでアリの動物としての生態や考えを想像することは出来ませんでした。ただ敵として見ていたと思います。 大人になってからアリの考えが理解出来るようになって、さらにハンターハンターの奥深さを知ることが出来るようになりました。 ハンターハンターは全ての発言や表現に意味があり、作者が心を痛めながら伝えたいことを作品にしていることがわかります。 ドラマでは表現しきれない面白さが漫画にあり、アニメが補ってくれるのでしょう。 ワンピースや進撃の巨人と同じくらい大好きな作品です。


and it continues to get darker and darker with each episode...


This is all happening on the same night. I like how they convey tension by just compressing events in a short time.

Kya Colosseum

Lola saying "I would hate something that talks back to me" is spot on for why Kite picked the power he did. By having a power that annoys him, as well as one that introduces uncertainty through being unable to pick his specific weapon, he then has two restrictions that increase the power of his Hatsu like with Kurapika's chains.


Didn't he also say that method of opening Nen pores was very dangerous and not the best option? (unless you're gifted like our boys)


they literally explain it in next episodes . If its supposed to be understood by audience and then show explains it in next episodes . What was the reason you just wrote your post?


The information about ants' heads still being alive after being decapitated is very important...

Jay rellim

is crazy slots talking back really a restriction? he doesnt actually seemed that annoyed by the talking back, and they never actually go "back and forth"

Jay rellim

agreed, this comment should have been saved for the next episode but OP was too impatient. < spoilers ahead > they say gon and killua's attack was a catalyst but dont take the time to tie it back to how gon and killua were awakened, especially since their wing did it gently without malice. i wouldnt be surprised if the reactors didnt remember that from heavens area, which is when OP's comment would be helpful. but yeah they wrote it one episode early, and ofc maybe the reactors would have tied it back and then OP's comment wouldnt even be necessary lol. i agree, we should let the show explain itself as best as it can

Kya Colosseum

It's not a particularly powerful restriction that's for sure, but I'd absolutely say he's annoyed by them everytime they pop out. He wants his weapon, not a chat with an obnoxious clown stick.


@Edgar you are correct. This guy posted this for no reason whatsoever other than to say it before anyone else.

Jeremy Cruz

I like to believe Kite uses reverse psychology to manipulate the outcome of his rolls: by saying "bad roll" to this arrogant clown, he kinda taunts him into giving a good roll every time. To prove his weapons are all strong.

Kya Colosseum

I really like this idea! Always took it at face value considering he gets a gun here when he's fighting at close range, but tbf he kills him instantly using it so not exactly bad is it hahah

Gabriel Machuca Wegermann

It's the fact that they were already a particularly agressive species, combined with this newfound ego and individuality that humans gave them that resulted in crazy levels of cruelty. Also, they are basically kids, and kids can be very cruel as they still don't have a fully developed morality system; many ants became increasingly less cruel as time went on and they began to grow and learn.

Gabriel Machuca Wegermann

Yes, because what you do is to direct your ren towards another person, which is inherently dangerous. Of course a master nen user will be able to make his ren as neutral as possible to minimize risks, but still, if you're not naturally strong enough (like Killua and Gon whom are both prodigies) it could be fatal.

Gabriel Machuca Wegermann

OMG you guys are so annoying lately. IT HAS ALREADY BEEN ESTABLISHED HATSU DIRECTED TO PEOPLE CAN AWAKEN THEIR NEN, it's nothing new, it's not a spoiler. So what if they explain this in later episodes (which, as far as I can remember, they didn't explicitly), it has already been explained before as well. Besides, Lola and Milena are some of the reactors that care about minor "spoilers" the least (which is why they watch intros, outros and even previews sometimes), yet there's no other reactor community with people so obsessed with not explaining any single bit of the story even when it's stuff already established and we are just trying to help them. They watch like 6 other shows not including this one and they don't watch many episodes a week, you can't expect them to remember every bit of information, there's nothing wrong with helping them as long as it's not a blatant spoiler; hell, even anime have recap episodes for a reason.