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HH81 Reaction

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Let's goooooooo




I'm curious to see the video that took almost a day to edit.


"pink light" lol

Jack SV

Man it’s been rough week for HxH fans after that news..


I don’t know about you girls and how you guys really feel about the comments and the spoilers parts ? is it annoying to you guys ? Because in my opinion even tho the gyro part is just an information about his destiny but imo it was uncalled for to share such a comment before the king is born , altho I’m new to Patreon but as a viewer I thought I will love the reactions with the comments but some of these comments kill every expectations or the suspense of the whole show , let ppl make their own theory even if it’s wrong , they will find out eventually and look I’m in no position to tell ppl what to comment and nor am I asking ppl not too but I think ppl who watched the show should let the girls and the viewers who are watching it with the girl to find out by themselves and then after we can discuss together about what happened in the episode , because some of the spoilers comments is getting annoying tbh but that’s just me


yes the manga is ACTUALLY touching on Phantom Troupe. It is getting a lot of page time and explanation. You should absolutely read it.


That's true and I feel they are just confusing the girls giving them extra information from manga or from HxH 1999 for no reason. You can't tell me you watched HxH 2011 and you think the Gyro part create an important ambiguity, either he was eaten or he wasn't, knowing that in the manga he became an ant what difference does it make? I don't understand...that comment just spoilered that he is not going to become the king in the anime


I think that wasn’t a mistake, but a very intentional decision to not show Gyro leaving. Since Togashi never continued that storyline, and the anime is a self contained story, the 2011 staff most likely decided to utilize it to strengthen this arc’s narrative. If you consider Gyro’s DNA to be part of the king, not only will it not change anything about this arc, but imo adds gravity to his character.


The way Milena is so proud of Killua using lightning is literally me, my son 😭 I also agree with her about the discussion at the end, I need to see things develop, just imagining is not enough...but it will come

Kya Colosseum

SPOILERS for later in the anime The issue with leaving Gyro's fate ambiguous imo is that everything the King does you can end up viewing through the lens of Gyro's backstory, "Oh he's doing this because of his father" ext. I didn't tag it with a spoiler because it's literally revealed in the manga at the same time as the story is told in the anime. I understand why the anime staff didn't include it due to the fact it's a future plot point not covered by the 2011 adaptation, but Togashi didn't intend for people to view the king as the reincarnation of Gyro, and I think trying to follow what the author intended is better than not doing so. It also muddies the Zaikahal story a bit which is another weakness of not including it.


I still don't understand what the point was in telling them about Gyro so early, a gratuitous spoiler for no reason that changed the girls' expectations and left them thinking it was less important


I also think Gyro retains thematic importance, especially on rewatch, through out the arc. He's less of a holistic story, but more of a major event that goes by without the characters really knowing. The aftereffects are there, it's just not entirely important at this moment.


lola is so me having empathy for the ants event thought most of them are being potrayed as violent killers. We are overcaring girlies


Not their first Rodeo, so don't worry they've been doing this for a while. I don't think they mind it. I know when they hear something spoilery, they say in the video that they were spoiled. Luckily they haven't really said that for hxh. Also, I think even if they do read some light spoilers, they're aware it is just people who are passionate about the show and who pay to watch their reactions. Ya can't really be too upset with that in hindsight. Also, they have mentioned multiple times through their pre-discussions that they are fine when people talk and set expectations. They haven't watched the content yet so expectations don't really matter since what they see is still fresh. Lola even has a friend irl who is already doing that job for us, haha. I remember in one of their Q&A videos they said that the only thing that is somewhat annoying (not even too much) is when people mention a specific episode being good, sad, etc. But generally, If they have an issue I think they would either reply to these types of comments or mention it in a video. Also, put into perspective that for other shows they've watched, they probably had similar if not a worse fanbase, and yet you wouldn't even be able to tell since they are so in tune with the show.


After watching last episode they were talking about the possibilities and gyro could be born as a king and making their own theories and suddenly before this episode they read a comment that suggest that gyro will not play any role in the anime and the anime doesn’t address his destiny unlike the manga and kill all the theories and expectations that the girl had , that’s kinda spoiler-ish , I’m not talking about your comment in particular but in general , the reason why everyone enjoy Milena and Lola reactions is because it’s authentic and real , and it comes with a lot of theory , some of the them are right and some of them are wrong and they joke about it and continue to make their theories and give us their honest reaction , I’m sure that’s what many of us are here for and Any comment that kill any of those theories before the episode, take the fun out of it and kinda confuse them even more so imo they should figure it out themselves, that’s how I feel , hope you don’t take my comment the wrong way I’m talking in general and not to you in specific 👍


Remember guys, if something bad happens in this arc we can blame it on Lola killing an ant for her pomegranate.


You mean the endings ? That wasn’t really admitting it’s done for, just in case he passed away so I don’t see why it’s rough


Let's stop throwing out extra information from the manga unless the girls ask for it, otherwise wait for the arc or the anime to end


I understand your thoughts Kya and I even agree, but I still think it was too early to tell


thank you for paying attention to Gon’s reaction towards these things. Gon has never seen a massacre or brutal deaths like these & and i like how Gon is trying to take it easy but you can tell he’s most bothered between all 3 of them.


I agree. I don't think it helped much or was necessary to tell them..they wouldn't have thought the King was Gyro 100% anyway. And if there's a concrete reason needed to stop, it would be that it's irritating as heck to me and others. I'm fine with some manga stuff and like hearing stuff that doesn't make it in the anime..but this one was a spoiler. It was something that would have been established later in the anime.


In my opinion they would have forgotten about Gyro by the time the King was born, there are many things and many new information between (for example in this episode they discovered that nen users are high nutritious meals) . And as Ahmed explained anime and manga are different, something that is not a spoiler for the manga might be a spoiler for the anime


You guys should have someone read through the comments before you go through them to avoid spoilers. I don’t know why some people feel the urge to let everyone know that they’ve seen the anime before or that they’ve read the manga but that’s just how it is. Anyway, nothing important has been spoiled but this is just for you to have a better experience. Cant wait for more uploads. 🕺🏻💃🏻🕺🏻💃🏻


In my opinion it's not too much of a straight up spoiler. Would've preferred it being learned during a later episode for which the chapter it was released in. But I'm fully in support of killing the Gyro = King theory because it makes the actual story better, The King is actually an Ackerman. Commenters are far too eager to share things thinking they're not giving spoilers but can definitely bias expectations by denying theories.


Personally, I think it had to be now. I won't say that your opinion on the value of waiting is wrong, but many of us felt differently as we prefer the intent of the author and not just the production.


Great discussion


I swear there's something so hype about Gon saying "First comes rock" I love itt. he be doing it in the most serious situations too which makes it so funny but lets go Gon!


I agree with you. You are so kind and polite about it, kudos to you. I didn’t know about gyro as someone who hasn’t read the manga, but that comment didn’t throw me off as much as the others. The spoiler comments, the theme-heavy explanations, and the comments telling them how they will feel in a couple of episodes makes me feel like I’m watching these reactions with a bunch of excited children and it’s totally ruined the experience for me so far. I’m so disappointed because hxh is one of my fav anime and lm are my favourite reactors and I think I might have to dip and leave patreon soon until the whole thing is finished and I can watch without the comments.


thinking they would have seen the king as Gyro is an assumption, I could write "spoilers" and explain what makes clear that they wouldn't have thought that but I don't want to. Another assumption is that this was the intent of the author, for me the intent of the author was just foreshadowing a meeting with Gon. What wasn't an intent of the author was letting us know at this point of the anime that the king will be born, but thanks to the opening made by the production we know that already hehe!!

Jack SV

Well he wouldn’t be saying this stuff about the ending if his health wasn’t going downhill .. idk but that’s just depressing in my opinion.

Jack SV

I will be honest and this is another unpopular opinion but I don’t feel any sympathy for the ants lol moving forward you might get attach to maybe one or two. I get some of them follow their animalistic instincts or the behavior they got from the humans they were created from but for the most part I just can’t bring myself to feel anything for them.


I think it differs from people to people. Some are more emotionally attached to either human race or the main characters side so seeing the other side do "evil" acts will trigger them. Others may be able to see it from a more objective view and see it as these chimera ants doing exactly the same as what we humans do to animals we deemed lesser than ourselves. Ofc, this is also just a tv show so its easier to see it from an objective view. No one is saying support the ants. But since its a tv show, theres the luxury of not being as emotionally invested so we can see the brilliance of how they portray these chimera ants as both monstrous but also highly intelligent.

Kevin Inoj Perez

If you two speculate with the goal of knowing what will happen in the end. This arc might frustrate you. But if you two are just tossing everything at a wall to see what sticks, it'll be better. Just have fun while doing that. I've said it before, this arc's end game is like solving chess. There are too many possible moves to know.


Love this episode. Please don't read the comments people are going to spoil the show I think if they keep saying things like that.


For me personally, Gyro's story was told from the start with a certain purpose in the manga. The same story was told in the anime, but the purpose was left out, creating unnecessary speculation imo. So I think that since the anime follows the manga, then if anyone watches the anime alongside reading the manga, then at this point the manga readers would have known the truth about Gyro when watching last episode. So, I think it's fair game to tell them, and I guess many others agreed which is why that comment had so many likes that Lola decided to read it.


The people here are split in regards to the fact about Gyro being a spoiler. Personally I fall into the camp that it was not a spoiler. The patrons are pretty good at keeping things secret here (unlike youtube), but many of us upvoted the comment about Gyro, which is why Lola read it.

David Salazar

I think they need some sort of MODs or something that reads through the comments and lets them know.


please do not put spoilers in the comments, allow them to have the same blind watch you've had previously, be considerate.

Orr Malus

You know how they could avoid spoilers 100% of the time? Pre-filming several episodes in advance and staying ahead of commenters which might accidentally reveal something regarding future events. But this would require putting in the effort of keeping to a schedule... so...


That Killua Thunderbolt plus Gon's Rock Paper Scissors combo is so beautiful. 80 episodes of growth for our boys and to see them use their specialities so efficiently is so cool


This one was so gangster. Just after Killua stunned him, to hear that shit afterwards is terrifying

Kolton Nay

I can't hardly believe it myself yet, but Togashi revealed today a summarized version of an End for Hunter x Hunter, in case his health keeps him from finishing the manga before he passes away. I'm shocked. He's a very dedicated man.


DO NOT READ COMMENTS ANYMORE .This is so so stupid how people are just so easy give extra information . Let them make theories n shit .


Chill dude, the gyro thing is not a big deal, it's just something that should be included in the anime but it's not, so it's fair that they know about this


If its not a big deal, then way say it? Treat anime as its own thing and manga as its own thing .


the episode finished so fast ughh, im gonna rewatch youre HH Reactions for the forth time !


At the beginning I only feel for Colt, later on there will be other cool ones

Jay rellim

i feel like if they said "oh i read this comment and learned this, i wish i didnt now/i feel spoiled" then yall could make all of these comments complaining !!spoilers ahead dont read if you didnt watch!!! (also i just learned if you put the text between < and > it wont show?? why is that? i had to edit my comment to make sure the spoiler tag was there) some of yall are lowkey reminding me of how pouf treats the king lol, you know whats best for them and even if they dont mind doing something differently; youre upset bc it's counter to what yall think is the best way for them to react. it's ok yall i promise 😭

Justin Spencer

Lol still think you guys should start doing two just this arc I remember being frustrated watching 1 episode a lot of this arc the cliff hangers get mad annoying


Dude what are you even saying, the anime came from the fucking manga, of course there's a connection between them, it's not like they're two separate stories


Don’t read comments, the gyro thing is implemented in the story really well and you have a good sense he’s alive by the end, the anime did it better not showing that part imo


Spoilers —- Welfin basically spells out gyro is out there somewhere by the end, you get the same result in the end but people didn’t want to wait until then and just tell them


I think the anime did a bad job with the Gyro thing. It absolutely creates a bias for thinking the King is made from Gyro specifically for -reasons-


And going with that thought will hold you from looking at the King in different ways


I see your point but it's a dangerous game, why wait for a bad spoiler before being cautious lol


Chill you don't need to be passive agressive its not that serious

Orr Malus

Are you that starved for attention from them? Why not talk about anime with someone that actually knows and cares who you are? You and I engaged more in conversation than the two of them ever did with all the patreons combined. I'm not shaming them for this btw because they never promised to be anyone's friend. The only thing they promised was a piecemeal schedule which apparently is too much work.


I believe that you don't remember how the arc continues, you all are defending a pointless spoiler. It's not true that the anime creates that bias.


Dude you need to smoke some weed and chill out lol

ya ya

please 2 eps at a time for this arc

Jonathan baez

How? They show gyro walking away why would you think he somehow is the king?

Jonathan baez

Shoutout the idiot that dropped the gyro info lol


i wish you both can consider to react haikyuu