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the wire 504

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I'm interested in hearing from the other patrons if y'all are still peeping the comments: I think most of us would agree that Burrell is considerably worse than Daniels, but how do you think he compares to Rawls? I find myself a bit too biased in favour of Rawls because he was such a pivotal character in the first 2 seasons, and from my point of view he does seem to genuinely give a shit about the department (and law enforcement in general) that I think I'm a bit too forgiving of his transgressions. He's no Clay Davis, but he sure as shit ain't Daniels neither. So, I'm curious to find out if other people here think he's on the same level as Burrell, or if he's better or worse.


Pretty sure they thought Kenard was Bug in that opening scene 😂


For me the difference between Rawls and Burrell is pretty minimal. At the end of the day Rawls is much more interested in doing what is best for his career and what the superiors tell him to, and has quite often made choices to the detriment of actual work in the department out of pure pettiness. I also can't help but think of the glee with which he had everyone start committing mass arrests in Hamsterdam. He was blasting music like it was a theme song while officers were beating and arresting people all around him, and this was after he admitted to Bunny that he actually thought his idea was brilliant. That said, Rawls has had more human moments than Burrell for sure. So I guess I'd say he is marginally better.


The difference between Rawls and Burrell is that Rawls has shown signs that he's "real police". He knew about the signs being turned in Season 1 after Kima is shot. He respects Lester's efforts on going after the money, etc. He just plays the game differently. He knows doing what's right will not advance his career and letting anyone underneath him play the game for themselves will make him look bad (ie Jimmy and Bunny). Landsman is the same way. He considers his career above all else but he also values actual effort within the homicide unit. Jay has shown a few times that he also really knows his stuff as a detective. They may have once been like Jimmy but learned that there's no use fighting the system.