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Wire 5x02

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OK, so Lola & Milena think Omar will not only return this season but will also somehow die. OK, interesting, lol! 😜 Meanwhile Scott (or копиле as they call him) is the type of person we've all worked with - ambitious, lazy, entitled, and yet the bosses still like him. Urgh! It's encouraging that Mike's conscience has returned and he's questioning why they need to perform senseless killings. Snoop seems to enjoy killing just for the sake of it but Chris strikes me as different. The look he gives Mike suggests he might understand *why* Mike asks those questions and they now have a shared bond after the killing of Mike's step-dad. Also, Chris questioned whether they really needed to kill Bodie and the risks of trying to get Omar out from retirement so he's definitely more thoughtful about actions and consequences.


For real, as competent as Snoop is, she's also quite naivê at times. But I'm sure a lot of that has to her having to adapt to her environment at an early age. I think emotional intelligence and introspection are dismissed (if not actively disapproved of) by those in the game lest it makes them weak or unfocused, and yet it is arguably the lack of these exact traits that can prove to be a character's downfall (eg. Stringer)


Milena saying she's not ready for the show to finish. Bless. 🙏🏾 We ain't ready for you to stop reacting. It's been a blast watching you both.