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HH60 Reaction

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Shivering King Banana

Gon: "Does it matter if you're dead?" He's so innocent the thought of killing others to steal their cards didn't even cross his mind.


Melody telling Leorio he has the warmest heartbeat was the most wholesome thing ever. Remember when he wanted to beat up that old lady in the hunter exam arc? lol he's come so far


The old woman appreciated his heart as well. He's unchanged on that front

the chosen one

Ging isn’t even that bad. The path he layed out for Gon is Gon’s ideal path anyways.

Michael Cannon

Idk there are some shitty things he does. I can think of a couple manga moments as well where we see more than the show and certain character say more than the show that also support this


"They have phones! They can talk to each other!" Ah.

Billy Overlord

It's fun seeing the hate you guys have for Ging, mostly because I just can't understand it. I think it's cause I never had a dad in my life, and it has literally never bothered me at all. I just can't empathize with it, I guess.

Orr Malus

Whatever you do in life please avoid sexually ambiguous people dressed up as clowns or jesters.


How is Ging putting Gon in any more danger than he would be in by just existing? They live in a world where nen exists and if he wasn't a hunter he'd figure nen out in a different way ( he had already started learning in the woods by himself ) And if he didn't figure out nen he'd be completely defenseless against the first nen user he encountered, and it would be impossible to not encounter one unless you just lived an extremely sheltered and boring life. If LM had it their way Gon would work at a convenience store on whale island until a ripe old age, because fighting is bad and dangerous and wrong. Its a lot more interesting to think about the story in terms of the world that the story is set in, not with current day western ideals.


It's funny how many people defend Ging when the anime/manga couldn't be clearer that he's a shitty dad. It's not subtle


Everyone knows Ging is a deadbeat dad but Togashi needed to make Ging a bad father to create a plot for Gon's Journey as a Hunter, I also find it weird that in the Manga and the 1999 adaptation Aunt Mito told Gon "Gon I'm sorry I lied Ging never abandoned you, i won custody of you in court and took you from him" that part was never added to the 2011 adaption which I find strange.

Kya Colosseum (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-30 12:18:33 Fighting is bad, dangerous and wrong though? Just because the world we're shown through Gon's perspective is an extremely perilous, doesn't mean the whole HxH world is. From what we can tell civilians live normal lives for the most part, very comparable to our own. Ging did everything he did knowing it would encourage his son to follow the same path he did, placing him in countless life threatening situations. People have every right to call him a bad dad for that.
2023-08-30 09:06:02 Fighting is bad, dangerous and wrong though? Just because the world we're shown through Gon's perspective is an extremely perilous one, doesn't mean the whole HxH world is. From what we can tell civilians live normal lives for the most part, very comparable to our own. Ging did everything knowing it would encourage his son to follow the same path he did, placing Gon in countless life threatening situations. People have every right to call him a bad dad for that.

Fighting is bad, dangerous and wrong though? Just because the world we're shown through Gon's perspective is an extremely perilous one, doesn't mean the whole HxH world is. From what we can tell civilians live normal lives for the most part, very comparable to our own. Ging did everything knowing it would encourage his son to follow the same path he did, placing Gon in countless life threatening situations. People have every right to call him a bad dad for that.

Orr Malus

People defend Chrollo when Togashi also made it clear that he's the embodiment of pure evil. The fanbase's mental gymnastics are part of the fun of HxH.

Shivering King Banana

You confuse trying to understand his character with justifying his actions. All his evil deeds come from wanting to do something good for those who are close to him. Gon will go through a similar journey. And while Chrollo is evil, Hisoka is the embodiment of pure evil. He has no love for anyone and lives only for himself. He probably doesn't have the body count Chrollo does but that's just because he's picky.

Orr Malus

https://i.imgflip.com/7xhpp4.jpg You're correct about Hisoka being pure evil as well with the caveat that Togashi likes Hisoka more than Chrollo. This is why he's never shown to kill innocent people.

Shivering King Banana

If you're gonna do something evil why half ass it? Kurta Eyes become more valuable the more emotion they have. They already decided to get the eyes, no reason not to go all out and get the most money for them that they can. Not saying it's justified but they already crossed the line miles ago. What I don't understand is how do you justify Gon's actions in the CA arc? It's been awhile since we had that conversation but that's how you felt right? What Gon does in the CA arc is motivated by the same thing that motivated Chrollo. And why do you ignore all the deep metaphors about Lucifer being a fallen angel? That's the point of making his name so similar. Saying his name sounds like Lucifer so he's evil is such basic logic for a show that rises so far above that. The characters are so much more interesting if you actually try to understand them instead of just blowing them off like some basic villain of the week. When Lucifer betrayed God he felt he was just, Chrollo feels he is just, Gon feels he is just. I know you hate parallels but it's so obviously there.

Orr Malus

"What I don't understand is how do you justify Gon's actions in the CA arc? It's been awhile since we had that conversation but that's how you felt right? " ??? I don't think I've ever talked to anyone about Gon's motivations or Gon in general in my entire life. "And why do you ignore all the deep metaphors about Lucifer being a fallen angel?" naming a character literally "Lucilfer" = deep metaphor Uhm... (˘・_・˘) "The characters are so much more interesting if you actually try to understand them instead of just blowing them off like some basic villain of the week." You're projecting your own ideas/ideals onto a one dimensional cartoon character. This is not a criticism, this is a feature of anime/manga. It's a phenomenon understood very well by the creators and they use it to their advantage. This is why the Japanese stick so much to the 2D medium. Because of the simplicity of what's in front of them, the audience's brains fill in the blanks which in turn leads to a greater level of audience participation. You can't turn off the part of your mind which fills in the blanks btw, it's just how the brain works. So even if you're cognizant of it you'll still project no matter what. This is what fascinates me most about anime.

Shivering King Banana

I thought we argued about Gon and Chrollo before but it must have been someone else. Just because the name is a simple metaphor doesn't make the characters actions any less deep. I don't even understand your argument, that I'm just projecting? This show is one of the most highly regarded animes and everyone is just projecting about it? It's not as if I'm the only one that thinks this show is extremely deep. If your logic made and sense every anime and cartoon would have the fanbase HH has but they don't. Only the good ones that put things into the show do. Even other popular animes like DBZ don't have discussions about characters like this. Because the writer didn't put anything with this much depth in. That's the type of show where the villains are nothing more than villains and have no motivation other than being evil so the good guys have someone to beat up without looking like psychos who just like to fight. That's one of the biggest tropes of anime that this show takes and flips on it's head. The excuse of justified violence. Although I guess you're gonna say that HH doesn't actually subvert expectations and it's just me projecting onto the show. Ridiculous.

Orr Malus

"I don't even understand your argument, that I'm just projecting? This show is one of the most highly regarded animes and everyone is just projecting about it? It's not as if I'm the only one that thinks this show is extremely deep." You pretty much got it. I'm a visual artist and when I made illustrations for people I started off with a simple sketch and after they approved of it I would start working on the finished product. Without fail the reaction people had towards my sketch was far greater than the reaction they had towards the finished drawing. They would say stuff like "amazing, incredible, great" when they saw the sketch, then they would say stuff like "good, nice, well done" when they saw the rendered drawing. I dug around and discovered this was something that all artists experienced. To cut to the chase, turns out all people want to feel like a participant in whatever entertainment they're consuming. The more stuff an artist puts into their work the less room there is for audience participation. Less = more. Art that shows just how clever the artist is is masturbatory. Art that shows how clever the audience is is a masterpiece. I'm not saying it's a bad thing you're projecting, I'm saying this is exactly the effect artists like Togashi are looking for. "If your logic made and sense every anime and cartoon would have the fanbase HH has but they don't. Only the good ones that put things into the show do." That doesn't follow because not everyone simplified their own work to the same level Togashi did. "Even other popular animes like DBZ don't have discussions about characters like this." I agree with you, DBZ is way more simplistic than HxH. So considering the fact that HxH doesn't even come close to the popularity of DBZ, doesn't this kinda prove my point? Also there's the little problem of DBZ preceding HxH and all the nods HxH does to DBZ especially in the CA. Maybe Togashi learned a thing or two from DBZ?

Shivering King Banana

I see where you're coming from. Personally I think sketches often look better than finished work because the many passes you make on the sketch let the viewer see it the way they like best. Of course I'll bring my own opinions and biases to any artwork I view but that doesn't mean my interpretation is 100% projection. There are artworks that leave everything 100% up to the viewer but HH isn't that. You say Togashi simplified his work, I'd agree with that. But doesn't that go against your point? How could he simplify what isn't there? I don't see how DBZ being more popular proves your point though. But you saying Togashi learned from DBZ goes towards mine. He gave his villains depth.

Orr Malus

Yes, not 100% projection definitely. Art is also about selling a message and you have to trick the audience so to speak into believing that said message conforms to their worldview whatever it may be. Movies for instance that offer no room for interpretation and are crystal clear with the messaging are seen as preachy and dull by everyone. The publishers made Isayama stay away from Twitter when during season 3 people started realizing that Eren Yeager is literally Adolf Hitler. Not a metaphor for him, but the same exact person isekai'd in a fantasy setting. His tweets only made it more obvious. Predicting Eren's actions is as easy as asking "What would Hitler do?". I remember watching RT TV and seeing one of them realize this, as well as completely agreeing with the Yeagerists. Then slowly the rest in the room started agreeing as well. Anime is an incredibly powerful medium. It makes perfect sense why a character based on the world's most infamous historical figure has his design inspired by someone called Lucifer who also genocides people for no good reason.

Rex Tan

I totally get where they're coming from. If you think about it Lola and Milena think very similar to Mito. They keep saying my "sweetest child" "my boys". So it's natural they are protective of their children. Also, they don't know the backstory of Ging yet, that's why they react that way.