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the wire 2x09 full

This is "the wire 2x09 full" by lm react on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



HH today?


One of the most devastating episodes of any show.  I live in Durham, NC and we're a city that for 40 years or more has had high homicide rates for a population of 120,000+ people (https://www.macrotrends.net/cities/us/nc/durham/murder-homicide-rate-statistics) and high general crime rates (https://www.homefacts.com/crime/North-Carolina/Wake-County/Durham.html) These numbers only indicate crimes that are reported A girl in my middle school lost her sister in a drive-by and a friend in Highschool lost her cousin to stray shots outside his friends house.  She got into an argument with another girl within a month after this that lead to pushing and both them and the crowd of teens around them were pepper sprayed by an officer they assigned to our school (all our schools have at least two police officers aka School Resource Officers) Driving around downtown or living in east Durham it’s possible to hear shots being fired.  Have heard stories of stray bullets hitting cars/homes from teachers, friends, classmates, coworkers and from kids and teens I've worked with.  Friend had a stray hit his truck window in High-school and spent the rest of semester driving around with a trash bag covering the window because he couldn't afford to replace it.  Kid I knew had bullet holes in the car his uncle gave him and it was something we all joked about.  A social worker I was close with shared a story that broke my heart of a girl she’d worked with who was scared to leave her room in her home to go to the bathroom because of shots fired outside her home that night.  She was rushed to school the next day for an exam and ended up wetting herself during the exam in front of everyone 2020 was an awful year for us, a boy was hit by a stray round 2 minutes from where my gf used to live.  Homicide rates for the first three months of that year were higher than ever. (https://www.wral.com/amp/19159185/) Just in the last week a 5 year old girl lost her life to a shooting in a suburb just outside downtown and her 15 year old cousin with her was also hit.  (https://www.cbs17.com/news/local-news/durham-county-news/family-identifies-5-year-old-killed-teen-injured-in-durham-shooting/amp/) I wanna have hope that things can change but at this point it's so easy to get a gun legally and the US has shown no efforts in cracking down on gun control, instead making it easier to acquire guns and carry them without permits or training of any kind... can purchase a gun more easily than you can birth control or a car.  The effects of generational trauma linger and there is so little in the way of affordable or government implemented mental health support programs for Americans, especially Americans who are minorities that are more affected by gun violence. (https://psychcentral.com/lib/how-intergenerational-trauma-impacts-families#finding-healing) The leading cause of death for children in the US since 2020 has been fire-arm related death https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmc2201761 Black children are 5 times more likely to die by gun related death than white children.   https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/06/gun-deaths-among-us-kids-rose-50-percent-in-two-years/#:~:text=Looked%20at%20another%20way%2C%20Black,100%2C000%20White%20children%20and%20teens. Make it make sense


Living for the fact that you have these write-ups prepared in advance. When I watch the edited reaction tomorrow I'll give you a proper response. I'll write in rot 13 to avoid spoilers for the girls.


LilDon075 do you wanna tell me what you don’t like about my comment this week? Am happy to listen Appreciate you TeaDrinker! Usually write up while I watch the episode but knew this one was coming up


Love that Milena and Lola were against McNulty sleeping with the LITERAL SEX SLAVES… one of the biggest missteps of the show

Jay Craig

Love the little small cameo of Bunny in this episode, it's fun when they introduce a character quietly. Like Prop Joe in the basketball episode.


Hey space, I lived in your neighborhood for a couple of years after 2020, near Guess Rd in north Durham! Like space already wrote out, yeah Durham has lots of drive-bys and strays. I was a gas station cashier on Guess Rd during the graveyard shift and I heard a lot of stories. Saw a few tear tattoos (sometimes it’s for losing someone to violence) and a few concealed firearms. My wife was a bit worried, some cashiers were shot in 2021 in Durham. I never saw any violence, though a gun was pulled out in the parking lot after my shift ended, but people were pretty cool actually. Never got any problems from anyone. I’m a little middle of the road politically but I’m also tired of guns in this county. The pro-gun arguments are always weak and anti-gun arguments made more sense. Also, what space already said, it’s mostly killing black people, so it gets put on the back burner politically because of that. When I lived in Europe I never saw a gun unless it was a solider. That was it. The gun problem might get better in the future but it’s gonna take a lot of time, a lot of votes. Hang in there space!!


Yes, that FBI agent is secretly in cahoots with The Greek and his associates. That scene of Agent Koutris at the docks was primarily the Greeks getting revenge on the Colombians, who they consider unreliable business partners, by tipping the FBI off to a drug shipment of theirs that was disguised as paint pigment. It was very much a 'You scratch my back, I scratch yours, and we both profit at the end of the day' type deal.


Appreciate you PIG! Live in that area rn near Hillandale! Really hope wherever you two live rn you’re comfortable and can feel safe!

Charlotte Drolet

I feel you space1999. I lived in Baltimore for a few years. I lived in West Baltimore on a few of the streets they name in this show. It was bad. I saw a lot of stuff I hope to never experience again. On a lighter note, I moved there after the show had finished airing. I met a lot of the people in this show including Melvin (the real Avon) in a flea market he owned on Fulton Ave. I met Sonja (Kima) and Anwan(Slim Charles) late one night on Charles St. They were rolling a blunt outside a restaurant. Kinda messed me up seeing as how she was a cop on the show chasing him. 🤣


I always found it weird that the writers tried to play that whole sequence as a comedy after everything they've said so far this season. It's not funny, at all.


No stopp omfg love that for you Charlotte Drolet! I know Melvin is supposed to be a saint irl, that man is beautiful. Anwan honestly a legend. I’d lose my shit if I saw those two with a roll 💀 I’m really glad you’re out of Baltimore, don’t wanna pretend to understand what kind of shit you must have seen and heard and experienced. hope you and your loved ones are in a safer area

M Salam

Can y'all please sync the video instead of the audio? Just mute the audio if you're worried about licensing issues. Because syncing the audio never works and it always ends up ahead of the video when I try to watch along. I know I can't be the only one this happens to


The US gun debate is already over. It was over after the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting happened where the gunman targeted specifically six and seven years olds. If gun control didn’t happen after that then it’s never happening.


You’re not supposed to like McNulty. He’s a terrible person.


I really feel like the show treats it as humorous, there’s a comedic beat/pause after he’s caught and Bunk’s line. Bunk later says he’s gonna be a department legend


@Lil Don075 touch grass man @space1999 I'm always so baffled to hear how easy it is to acquire firearms over there. I don't live in the US, do some states have more regulations in place for these matters?

Jay Craig

That wouldn't change anything, they're watching a version of the episode that is a fundamentally different speed than the one you're watching, if they showed you the video the video would just go faster than yours too.


Per gun regulations statewide. It doesn’t really matter because you can just buy guns at another state and transport them to your tougher gun law state.


No it doesn’t. Jimmy does. He laughs it off everyone is pretty pissed off about it.


Agreed, after no legislation was passed after Sandy Hook I knew we were fucked. Obama was bashed on tv for crying about it. Don’t know if I can agree 100% but lot of people have said things along the lines of “gun control bills would pass if black Americans and women and queer people armed themselves en masse”. The NRA only ever backed gun control in the 60s when black panthers were arming themselves, republicans in California passed a bill prohibiting citizens from carrying guns without a permit. If January 6th was entirely black men and women (they would have been shot first of all) I do believe we might have seen legislation of some kind presented to challenge fire arm acquisition


Appreciate you @HenryM 🙏 @Luis was right on, purchasing in other states is always an option and even if you are charged for carrying without a permit in the states that enforce such things you’re not always gonna lose your gun or face a serious charge

Shivering King Banana

I don't understand why they don't just put it on the normal speed when they edit. I've never seen this problem with any reactor before, definitely not one this big.

Jay Craig

Why should they go through the extra effort? There are many people it seems who watch the show on a service that is different to theirs, but not everyone - for example I watch in the UK on 'Now TV' and my copy runs at the exact same speed - why go through extra steps on the upload to help some people when it's already working fine for others? I had the opposite situation during the Last of Us reactions where they DIDN'T sync with Now TV, they didn't fix it then.


Just because they're sex slaves doesn't mean it can't be a humorous situation.


@Aj Would love to hear your thoughts on gun violence and how it’s the leading cause of death for children Also curious to know what state you live in 🙂


Oh for sure, sex slaves being shipped to countries by criminals, trafficked and abused and threatened and lined up and picked to have goofy sex, one of my fav topics for humor


No one said that was the funny part. The humour is almost exclusively on Jimmy's part, seeing as he forgot the code word and was caught with his pants around his ankles being pleasured by the prostitutes. Like I said, that's the humour, not the being trafficked and used part. The topic itself isn't being joked about or treated as the punch line. I didn't think this would be that hard to grasp.


It's unfortunate. There's plenty of it, mainly in inner cities, a lot of people are doing a terrible job policing and enforcing laws IN those cities, that's about how I feel. As for the rest, the Second Amendment is clear. Gun control would do jack in the States because of how ubiquitous guns are and the culture & history surrounding them. If no one ever would be able to get their hands on them, then fair enough, but we all know that's a pipe dream.


It’s the fact that he has sex with the sex slaves at all that is bad


The Second Amendment was written 230 years ago in the context of a newly formed independent country that was focused entirely on states rights. There weren’t automatic weapons. The people writing it literally said that the constitution should be amended and it has been repeatedly. Inner city’s struggles are a result of systemic problems (capitalism itself and institutional racism) that go much deeper than any enforcement of laws could ever solve. The system literally needs to be changed (as it has throughout American history). The efforts to protect and support at risk youth and minorities, to give them access to clean water and food and programs to ensure quality schooling and health care and housing and opportunities for wealth (see affirmative action) are constantly shot down. Similar efforts to hold law makers and politicians and even police accountable have also failed repeatedly for some strange reason. Policing and arrests don’t solve the root problem and just create more victims, people arrested or charged with felonies can’t vote or get jobs which leads to more crime. Also police enforcing violent “justice” with no recourse helps no one The fact that people can acquire guns so easily and wield them without permits can absolutely be changed and countries like Canada have made sweeping changes in legislation to ban and collect already sold automatic weapons and rifles. Uvalde shooter and other shooters as young as 17 have literally just walked into places where guns are sold and bought them with no effort. No background checks. NRA and Republican lobbyists (who are bought and owned by the NRA) have continued to fight against any kind of legislation to control guns, even things like putting unique data signatures on bullets to identify where and when they were bought More people having access to guns and more guns doesn’t help anything at all, “Good guys with guns” don’t prevent anything, a gun won’t protect you and a lot of those “good guys” are the ones perpetrating crime and not being arrested. In fact policing would be SOOO much easier and safer if gun laws were enforced


Of course, it's bad. It's still a funny and ridiculous moment.


''More people having access to guns and more guns doesn’t help anything at all, “Good guys with guns” don’t prevent anything, a gun won’t protect you and a lot of those “good guys” are the ones perpetrating crime and not being arrested. In fact policing would be SOOO much easier and safer if gun laws were enforced'' This has been proven wrong time and time again, so I won't waste any time on this point. A cursory glance at things would reveal that to one interested in finding it since there are plenty of examples available just on the internet alone. I never said more people should have guns, I said the law should largely stay as it is. I also agree on introducing certain amendments to the law, whether it is more rigorous background checks or mental health checks for people purchasing firearms. The date it was written is also largely irrelevant. Back then, you could also own a privateer, so what? The emphasis was largely on a well-regulated militia, as a means to keep military power under civil control. As time passed, the concept of self-defense became a mainstay in American society, and that has also become ingrained into the culture.


Tell me what’s been proven? I made multiple points That “good guys with guns” prevent crime from happening? That their guns protect them from crime? People successfully defend themselves with guns in less than 1% of crimes in which their is contact between a perpetrator and the victim https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25910555 States with higher rates of gun ownership have higher rates of gun deaths https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/full/10.2105/ajph.2013.301409 Fire arms also escalate domestic violence situations making it 5 times more likely that a victim will be killed https://giffords.org/blog/2020/10/the-good-guy-with-a-gun-myth/ If you think policing wouldn’t be easier if gun restrictions were enforced then I’m very confused


Oh Gee, you mean to tell me you're more likely to be involved in some kind of shooting if you're armed or people around you are armed? Or that you're more likely to shoot yourself? I had no idea. Do you think you're also more likely to drown in your garden if you have swimming pool? I have no idea what that first study is supposed to prove. Great, 1% of people defending themselves were involved in SDGU and it wasn't more effective than some other kind of protective action, so what? That's a sample size of 127 incidents lol. All I know is that someone with a gun, who is proficient with it and knows the right place and time to use it, is in a better position to defend themselves against an intruder or attacker or whatever the case may be than someone who isn't. That's just basic. No hare-brained sociological study will change that. Different authors and studies employ different criteria for what constitutes a defensive gun use which leads to controversy in comparing statistical results. It also depends largely on who we're talking about. Statistically, it is an effective deterrent for some people (men, white people), but not for others (women, minorities, low-income homes), which is in line with the amount of exposure and training these groups have to firearms. Perfect example of report showing something different: https://nap.nationalacademies.org/read/18319/chapter/3#14 Nowhere did I claim that any idiot should utilise a gun for self-defense, but that they should have the right to, hopefully once they've done their research and had sufficient training. This video sums it up for me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eK0NYCGru-I&ab_channel=GarandThumb


I posted this back in 1x10 For the people having sync issues due to the differences between US and Europe frame rates, I found an easy solution: 1. Open their video in vimeo instead of playing it directly on Patreon (just click the video title) 2. In Chrome, press F12 to open the Dev tools 3. Click the Console tab 4. Paste the following command and press Enter: document.querySelector('video').playbackRate = 0.9591; 5. You'll know this worked if the console then displays 0.9591. This will make LM's video speed match the episode. You can close the Dev Tools panel, you don't need to keep it open. You'll have to run that command for every video. 6. In theory this should work with other browsers but I haven't tested it.