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the wire 207

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Re: the length of these videos - Not only do I not mind, it's exactly why I subscribe. The quality of discussion is outstanding and your thoroughness makes me consider things I didn't have time to think about when I binged the show years ago. You add tremendous value to the show. Keep it up :)


Blue collar workers are already significantly more likely to face layoffs than white collar workers but the advances in robotics have lead to more layoffs than ever. From a study printed on the National Bureau of Economic Research website "On average, the arrival of one new industrial robot in a local labor market coincides with an employment drop of 5.6 workers." https://www.nber.org/digest/may17/robots-and-jobs-us-labor-market This was a 2017 article, I imagine it's only gotten worse... Another study posted on website for MIT "...for every robot added per 1,000 workers in the U.S., wages decline by 0.42% and the employment-to-population ratio goes down by 0.2 percentage points — to date, this means the loss of about 400,000 jobs" https://mitsloan.mit.edu/ideas-made-to-matter/a-new-study-measures-actual-impact-robots-jobs-its-significant A lot of these aren't just layoffs but layoffs with next to no notice. A month's notice isn't enough for most blue collar workers living pay check to pay check to find a new place of work that can give them the same amount of pay or the similar hours OR SECURITY AND BASIC RIGHTS. Most industries are gonna favor people who have experience in the field they're hiring in and or people who have paid for training in the field they're working. All of this isn't taking into account the trauma of job loss. Currently there are more people living pay check to pay check, more people suffering from clinical depression and more people living homeless than ever in US history. Significant population of these people have lost jobs or have little to no job security. Or they have jobs with employers who don’t care about their needs


Lola was able to recognize Sergei at a distance, that's the biggest development this season


My suggestion. Can you please not read the comments of the current episode until you’ve watched the next episode. Too many comments tend to mention minor spoilers and color how you go into the next episode when I think most of us should agree that we want your reaction to be as free from public opinion as possible.


Or maybe we just need to get better at leaving comments that don’t hint at future episodes lol


Some comments last episode went kinda overboard at hinting that Stringer acted alone, I would have loved to see their uninfluenced surprise at the reveal (specially the way they felt about Avon in their last discussion) but I agree they were a bit spoiled in that regard


If you're talking about my comment I'm watching this show along with them for the first time, which is why I said I could be the one misreading the scene not them


Love Lola and Milena being so open about Serbia's failings and deficiencies as a country and rightfully calling out the US as fucking crazy for the basic things we lack that many countries including Serbia have. Wasn't aware of the substitute teacher salary being paid by the absent teacher! Literally insane Just this past week the Supreme Court restricted affirmative action in college admissions, this had allowed more minorities to enter colleges which were and are still predominantly white. Also they just made a ruling that allows businesses to deny service to queer people because they're queer... also they've overturned the constitutional right to abortion... the three Supreme Court justices who swung these votes were picked by Trump Love what Milena said about the show being like a documentary! Couldn't find information online about past laws or legal changes relating to wire tapping and it's use in drug trafficking investigations vs it's use in human trafficking investigations. I do think in post 9/11 America all FBI resources were being directed towards "threats of terrorism" as they touch in on season 1 with the FBI putting all their high end technology into either these supposed threats or super high end drug busts. I think the federal government’s concerns were mostly around things that they deemed as threats to the American people and in their book for some stupid fucking reason human trafficking didn't fall into the category of serious threats.


"When it comes to it, I was fair to him." Here's another way of phrasing it: "At the end of the day, I was fair to him."


Say what you want about Avon, but he would never kill family. Family comes first to Avon. Stringer on the other hand only cares about the business. Avon is doing everything he can to help D, but D is not being accepting, because D is trying to be a good person. I understand how that scene looked but that was more Avon dealing with the guilt of his nephew being stuck in prison because of him and refusing help to reduce his sentence.


I would not say never. If he really doubted Dee he would do it, Avon is ruthless. He's just not callous, and he does love his family. And I think he had a good measure of Dee and knew what Dee would and wouldn't do.


I love the detail of D's mom dressed with a lot of guady outfits with gold at the funeral or when she convinced D to take the years. She says she's all about family, but she wants the money to keep coming as well.


Obviously everyone has a line, but Avon's is pretty far. D was in no danger from Avon.


I believe Avon used what is most commonly referred to as a “soft order.” Hard order example: Hand me that soda. Soft order example: It sure would be nice if I had a soda right now. Avon didn’t explicitly order Stringer to kill D but he did make it known that he would understand why it would be beneficial to their operation if D showed up dead. Most famous example of Soft Order usage is the assassination of Thomas à Becket by people close to King Henry ll.


I agree with cutting intros, The long ass outros are what we are here for


Cross training is a terrible idea. It essentially guarantees layoffs as less people are needed to do the same amount of work. Companies are only about making the most amount of money they can and to them efficiency looks like paying out less money to their workforce. What we need is Universal Basic Income.


Agree hard, read your comment and read further into cross training. Hadn’t done any real research It’s true, like our military budget could provide strong universal basic income multiple times over. Really glad Bernie is leading a bipartisan audit of the Pentagon

Vivasvan Gautam

I'd die a happy man if UBI, universal healthcare and universal education can become a concrete reality in my lifetime. Automation might just nudge countries towards it. Although i am not sure USA would be first one to do UBI because of its strong adherence to free market. I expect some country in EU or maybe some of the oil rich Arab nation to do it when world manages to transition to green energy. Or maybe it can come from place like Indonesia, Bangladesh or India. These countries have very strong welfare policies in place despite recent move towards lax labour laws and protections due to rise of neoliberalism politics. Government do provide unemployment benefits in some form in these nations.


Spoilers below: You’re wrong, if you have seen S3 you would know that. Stringer bell and Avon literally fight in S3 when stringer bell reveals to Avon that he was the one who had D killed.


Can you delete the spoiler? Not only so our reactors don’t accidentally see it but also because there are first timers watching along with them and sharing their thoughts in the comment section. There is no need to spoil anything in the comments.


I agree that Avon saying to Stringer that “Push come to shove, I've been fair to him, ain't I?” could be interpreted as Avon suggesting to Stringer that if Dee ever became a problem that he would reluctantly have him killed, knowing that he’d done everything he could to save him…But the reason I don’t think it enters his mind that Stringer had him killed him is (a) Avon was still holding out hope for reconciliation with Dee and (b) the Barksdale organisation is a hierarchy, and in Avon’s mind the only person who could ever authorise killing of his own nephew would be him. He cannot even conceive of Stringer breaking chain-of-command and deciding independently to kill Dee.


That conversation was just Avon saying "I've tried my best to do right by D but he's giving me the cold shoulder." Basically he was feeling guilty about D falling out with him and wanted reassurance from Stringer that he wasn't the bad guy. And what Stringer got from it was "D sounds like he could flip on us. I'm gonna do something about this." We KNOW Stringer was keeping it secret from Avon because he went to outside help for the hit. If Avon WANTED D hit why would Stringer conceal it from him and make Avon believe it was a suicide?


If cutting the intros makes things easier for you guys to make the videos then that's understandable, but I will just reiterate Michael M's point that these discussions are the reason I subscribe in the first place. I will literally never be bored of hearing what you have to say, even if it's a repeated point (eg. "I'll never have warmth for Stringer" etc.). I'd rather the videos be super long and you not holding back on your unfiltered reaction. Those are my two cents 🪙🪙💁‍♀️


I’m with you. But if we had to sacrifice longer intros to get more episodes filmed in a day then I would take the trade off. Just please continue to give the super long post episode discussions. Those beautiful discussions are why I’m here.


I freakin' love the long discussions. As long as it isn't an inconvenience for you personally, I wouldn't mind still having them lol.


D did flip on them. The only reason they arrested Wee Bay is because D told the police he was in Philly. All of Stringer and Avon's conversations happen knowing that D already flipped and that makes it all the more likely he could flip again. There's a difference between Avon wanting D dead and Avon understanding that D's death is a good thing for their organization overall and that's where Stringer is living. Stringer's gambling that based on their previous conversation that if he were to have D killed then Avon would understand the necessity of it.


@/luis you’re completely wrong lmao


so because of her outfits she’s lying and doesn’t care about family? y’all have the dumbest takes looking in from the outside. i can tell you’re not black because wtf does that even mean lmao


You're making my take more extreme than it was. She loves D, but if he was her #1 priority she would have let him take the deal. She wants the drug business to continue, in the scene with D she says her family would be nothing without it. She gets to wear expensive clothes, have status, but funerals and jail time for her family is the cost.

Orr Malus

My expert, authoritative, and unquestionable opinion is not to bother reading the comments in the first place. Unless they're mine. (◠ 3◠)


you don’t know what you’re talking about at all. one thing doesn’t have anything to do with the other. her dressing nice is a stupid point to make. her wanting the drug business to continue is normal considering they were born into this. that’s their life. D was always her priority. her talking him off cooperating doesn’t mean she likes money more than him. she understands how things work, she’s no dummy. it’s way too easy for you to categorize her as materialistic and say she likes money more than her son while completely ignoring the nuances and complexities. respectfully, you need to do a little more listening and a lot less talking.