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it took like 50min for it to process to 360p, but im posting it now


the wire 206

________________________ patreon - https://www.patreon.com/LMreactions twitter - https://twitter.com/LMreaction tv time - lola - skysstillblue, milena - oneofthe100



Will watch tonight. Oh and a doggy! =D

Jack SV

Ohhh I thought it was actually yours lol but still cute dog.


ALREADY!? Goddamn i just finished listening to the review for 2 05, which is funny because you were lamenting how long the review is. And this is almost 100 minutes in length lmao season 4 genuinely can't come soon enough ❤️❤️❤️


Puppy!!! 😍 I am not kidding when I say I have been waiting all day for this video, just so that I could see the dog


"I got the shotgun. You got the briefcase. It's all in the game though, right?" An iconic line from an iconic show.


A proper pupper introduction has been made. We can rest easy now lol


omg i think 1hr 40min is their 3rd longest video behind the bcs finale and the aot special


I love dogs but so long as they don't actually watch the shows with the girls. I don't want them to be spooked 😰😅


I'd argue that almost every line Omar says is iconic


Išao sam da spavam i onda sam video da ste izbacile celu reakciju, prvi put da sam upalio celu epizodu i slušao vas uporedo umesto da gledam editovano. Samo nastavite, zadovoljstvo vas je slušati kako pričate o ovom savršenstvu od serije


Lola with the Kendall Roy shirt........W


One of the best episodes of television! Michael K Williams (Actor who plays Omar) said the court room scenes were his favorite by far! Sad that Omar doesn't know his age, I'd assume a lot of the street characters don't know their birth date or even birth year Exposition is handled so smoothly in The Wire. Ziggy has a problem so Nick reaches out to the Greek's crew to handle it and we organically learn that the Greek is connected to Proposition Joe on the Eastside. Such an organic way to show the inner workings of the drug operations in the city. One of my favorite scenes when Ziggy and Frank take their walk. Ziggy seems to have just accepted his place in the universe, both him and Frank acknowledge that Frank failed him as a father Think it’s interesting that every time Jimmy gets a win he gets his hopes up about life being different and then he comes crashing down hard. Good on Elena for making the smart choice and turning him down Dee was already gonna be in for 19 more years but we have another fatherless son now. The slow zoom out when Avon looks at him and the zoom in on Dee’s face… too good… what a man Dee was, denouncing his family and their bullshit. If there’s a character who’s the heart of the show it’s him


I read a comment somewhere that a great callback in regard to Dee talking about the Great Gatsby is back in season one when Wallace was freaking out about Brandon and he says something like “it feels like he’s watching me, it fucks me up” which can be like in the book with the big eyes on the billboard always watching.


So I've been watching the girls' reactions to shows for a while now (not that you'd be able to tell, it's not like I comment everyday or anything like that 😛), and I think this might be one of the best reaction videos they've made so far. The episode itself is killer, but it isn't necessarily the type of television episode that would garner a lot of emotion out of the vast majority of reactors, save for perhaps the ending scene. But here you have the girls who are fangirling over Omar like they're seeing him in concert, being so concerned for Dee when he's in his prison cell, the reaction to McNulty conversing with his wife juxtaposed by his drinking with Bunk, wanting Ziggy to stay quiet during the meeting, their amusement at Prop Joe's bluntness etc. There's a lot that happens in the episode in general, but I really don't think that a reaction from any one else would truly make me feel as though I'm experiencing the episode for the first time all over again. To me I think that this reaction in particular exemplifies why I love the channel so much, as it showcases how intellectually invested the girls are in storytelling, and of course the world surrounding them too. So much media discourse these days falls privvy to headline-reviews or the most popular twitter hot-take, so it's completely refreshing to have an hour long post-show analysis for a series like The Wire, whose episodes cannot have their meaning adequately surmised in merely a paragraph. This channel scratches an itch that someone like myself (who both creates and consumes art) has which is to constantly try to understand the artform in progressively deeper ways. Though I'm sure the girls themselves will probably dismiss this comparison, I feel like watching Lola and Milena react to a show is like watching Lester and Prez working a case. It's not just the competency component that's impressive, it's the fact that you're watching two people who are so thoroughly passionate and fascinated by what they're doing that it makes you hang on their every word. Every once in a while when I leave a big comment such as this saying how much I completely adore this channel, I second guess myself and think that it's really just because I love the series themselves so much that I'm getting ahead of myself. But then a reaction like this will come along and I'll realise that this channel is truly a gem. I didn't think I could possibly become any more passionate about storytelling prior to the discovery of the channel, and each new upload is like uncovering a new layer of hidden-knowledge of the artform. More than that, it stands as a regular reminder that art has value and meaning, honest characterisation is paramount to depicting the human condition, and that empathy and understanding is the foundation of everything both in art and life itself. As someone who plans to continue creating stories for the rest of my life, it's an entirely accurate statement to make that this channel has genuinely changed my life for the better, and were the channel to stop tomorrow, I've already gained so much as it stands that I couldn't be ungrateful. Girls, thank you for your commitment to the channel, sincerely.


Obviously their discussions are always gonna be strong but agree hard, it really is super validating revisiting shows alongside their videos and seeing their excitements/concern/thoughtfulness etc. My favorite thing about their videos (aside from their personal values and acceptance of queer and minority characters) is their willingness to ask questions, they approach stories from both an emotional and inquisitive place. Most people watching the show wouldn’t go into season 2 assuming that Dee is going to die but they’re incredibly astute and recognize that his character has served his role in the story at this point, would make the most sense dramatically for him to die Love that you could find so much enjoyment in their videos and find this spark to encourage your own passion! If you’re looking for channels kinda similar to theirs I really recommend Semblance of Sanity. They’re both writers who mostly watch anime on the channel but they have really in depth discussions about the writing and crafting of the shows they discuss while also absorbing the more emotional moments. They’re watching Bojack Horseman right now and I don’t know if I’ve seen better discussions about the show anywhere from first time viewers (am avid Bojack fan who lives on the sub Reddit, devours vulture articles and has hosted ‘book clubs’ watching Bojack with others lol)


What a heartfelt comment. Like you said, watching their reactions is as close as we get to that feeling of experiencing a show for the first time again. With their channel tho, I feel like this experience is vastly amplified by their amazing level of emotional investment in storytelling (so much that in consequence, makes me more emotionally invested than even the first time I watched the show), and having over one hour discussions about a single episode, taking their time to dissect everything, isn't a very common thing you see on other channels. @space1999 I'll be sure to check them out!

Vivasvan Gautam

Space1999 SOS yesterday dropped vinland 2x17 for patreons. Ooof. It left them actually speechless. They chose not to say much about it because it would feel insulting to the episode.


That thumbnail. Omar in court is so goated


I bet! I think LM had a similar reaction to an episode in season 1!


Apologies if I butcher this, but a grand jury is a larger jury (like 23 people) that helps a prosecutor decide whether there's probable cause to charge a suspect. They sit there and have the evidence presented to them (which includes interviews like what they were doing with Horseface) and ask questions and the rules for what evidence they can see are much more relaxed than in a criminal trial since they're only voting to indict instead of to send someone to jail. At some levels a potential suspect doesn't even get to have a lawyer with them at the grand jury hearing because they haven't been charged yet. That doesn't prevent someone like Horseface from invoking his 5th amendment rights over and over again, but it also doesn't prevent anyone on the grand jury from finding suspicion in that behavior.


This is why I recommended The Wire, it will end up as their favorite, it is so good


Stringer and Avon are Wallace and Dee. One born into a crime family with money and structure around him with the expectation of continuing the family business. The other probably more intelligent and resourceful but little to no family or money (not entirely sure in Stringer's case) to speak of. His only real opportunity rests in his friendship with a Barksdale. Stringer and Avon are cold, ruthless and closed-off from everyone and everything except each other. They are found family. They live longer and "thrive" -- in the game at least-- because of it. In the end, Wallace and Dee were just too good


I feel like they misread the Avon and Stringer scene from last ep a bit(or I did), to me the thought of having to maybe kill D crossed his mind and he talked to Stringer for reassurance that he's been good to D but he never thought Stringer would do that behind his back without an express order. Stringer took it as a green light but I don't think Avon intended it that way. It's possible in the future Avon would have come to the conclusion yea we have to kill him but we'll never know because Stringer decided to make that decision for him


One thing about Avon is that he is measured and not excessive in his actions. When he decided violence is necessary he doesn't hesitate to do what needs to be done, but isn't careless about it. If Avon felt Dee would have flipped he would not hesitate but I think Avon had a good measure of Dee and knew he wasn't going to.


Avon didnt order his death, Stringer did behind his back.


Avon had nothing to do with D's death.