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Alex Mills

🙏Hope Milena is feeling better


thanks and get well soon


Stephen King tweeted this yesterday, he must've known you girls would see it 😉😂 https://i.imgur.com/Z5Lal2G.png

Orr Malus

It was never established whether or not McNulty found his kids... talk about a plothole.


If you're referring to when he got his sons to follow stringer bell, it was implied during his conversation with Bunk that he found them shortly after he had lost track of them and was freaking out.


This whole show is about the systematic problems involved in how a big city in the US is run. The issues with Baltimore are even worse because its one of the poorer big cities in the US (Detroit is another).

Orr Malus

No. They never make a reappearance on the show which means they're still lost. Poor boys...


This episode is mostly set up, but man when it pays off, it pays off,


Lol @ Milena using screenplay logic to justify her survival.

Jay Craig

Any kids claiming to be his sons in future episodes are deepfakes


kima's GF wasnt the one asking the question, it was the friend


Lola, Kima's girlfriend never even asked her why she became a police officer. The white girl to her side did. It's funny how you made up your own scenario and then made yourself confused with the scene loll.


I can relate to that talk about positivism, shows like Mob and Vinland actually helped me be a bit more positive not only about the way I watch shows, but life in general


I'm sorry I know I'm a broken record saying this for the third time now but I am so goddamn hyped for the episode 11 reaction, Dominic West's performance is absolutely sensational. That reaction dropping will be the highlight of my week.


Interesting note: Dominic West, who plays Jimmy McNulty, was originally sought to play Mance Rayder in Game of Thrones, The character would have been played much closer to the book version of Mance had West accepted the part. He turned it down because he didn't want to be away from his family for so long.