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vinland 218

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well, just getting out of work and don't really feel like watching this after a shitty day 💀 just wanted to let this comment since the first time ketil appeared on my screen... fuck that piece of shit and fuck his ego. hope you didn't suffer too much watching this. reading it was awful and watching it even worse.


neither of us were looking at the scene for most of it.. hope tomorrow is a better day ❤️


god the next episodes will be iconic, i already have goosebumps...

Robert H.

Short info: Like back then with episode 6.5, Mappa / Twin Engine published a scene with the title "Episode 18.5" on YouTube yesterday. The scene in episode 6.5 had not made it into the episode, which could also be the case with the scene in episode 18.5. However, since this is a scene from the manga (unlike 6.5), many are unsure if it really won't make it into the next episode. I think we'll be able to let you both know tomorrow evening if you should watch episode 18.5 before the episode, or if it's in episode 19 after all. Episode 18.5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUlTTqc4peM


yeah, i can imagine... one of the hardest scenes for me in the whole manga ngl and thanks, though with this job it's hard not to have a shitty day. i've had my fill with asshole costumers 😭


I read this chapter years ago and thought I had come to terms with it but I'm still pissed off and shocked seeing it happen again animated

Jack SV

Welp, I’m glad we are moving forward with the story. Now, I’ve seen many people defending Kethil’s actions here which is really alarming to me… I get he was angry but that doesn’t justify what he did to her this episode. Tbh I change my mind about him as character. I thought he was a decent person but now not so much.


This was just something else... You won't believe the amount of comments I've read of people defending Ketil

Jack SV

Same here. People saying he can do whatever he wants to her because is his slave/property and because she tried to escape are crazy. I just don’t get some of those people who justify these type of actions towards any human being.


@Jack SV ikr, I hope LM are prepared to read those kinds of comments because it's probably gonna get wild


This part really elevated the arc even more for me as awful as it was to see… love that Yukimura could do so much to give us sympathy for this character, make us believe we could absolutely trust him, and then take that away from us in the worst way possible Arnheid has always been a victim of this world, it just hurts so bad seeing this…. Kettl’s backstory was anime exclusive and it just further cements the tragedy of his character. He wanted so badly to believe he could create a fair world for himself and others in his life His father was right, he could have been happy just creating a small farm for himself. Arnheid has been the victim of men all her life; Her dad marrying her off, Gardar leaving, the Vikings who enslaved her and took her son, and now Kettl


I'm planning on watching this and then hxh to lighten up the mood

Lexi Browning

We liked Ketil because he was redefining what it was to be a slave and the relation between slave and master. But now, we see that there’s no changing the foundational concept of slavery. There are NO good slave owners. A person can do anything he wants to “property” and when you consider a human being equal to a fcking couch, you’re evil and deserve to get put on the front lines of a battle against Thorkell

Robert H.

Fortunately, they defused one thing in the adaptation. The scene between Arnheid and the watchdog went quite a bit further... https://imgur.com/a/opPgv4D

Sergeant Jay

You girls should do a top 10 shows and characters video ! I would watch every second. By the way fuck Ketil !

Sergeant Jay

Milena let’s team up against Lola and make her make a top 10 shows and top 10 characters list haha.

Robert H.

What I would still like to see is what would have happened if Ketil had not returned home so broken, chased by Canute. I'm sure he would have confronted Arnheid, but I can't imagine he would have beaten her up like that. His mental state, the thought of losing everything, and his backstory all culminated in this brutal scene.

Loki Marcus

Fun fact about the sword Ketil pulled out at the end, it's what's called an Ulfberht. Ulfberht swords are basically the best sword one could get their hands on back then. While most swords then were made of iron this kind used steel of incredible quality. And while standard swords generally cost several times more then your typical spears or axes an Ulfberht apparently would cost a small fortune. Incredible works of craftsmanship.

Sergeant Jay

I know this has nothing to do with the video but I hope you two react to “Your lie In April” after finishing Vinland.It’s 22 episodes and and a very sad/beautiful and inspiring show


He showed us that he's capable of doing this, so Canute or not, this was bound to happen at some point no matter the reason

Vivasvan Gautam

People who left the series cuz there is no action, no violence anymore. Me pointing them this ep: here is your f#$king stupid violence.

Robert H.

You will most likely be right about that. In the end, he bought a woman, shared her bed against her will, raped her, forced her to do housework while being beaten and harassed by his wife and guests. He didn't even put himself in her shoes and ultimately became the very person who took his lover in the past. Even if he hadn't been harsh with her now, this thought of her leaving him when she gets a chance at a better life would certainly affect his behavior to her in the future. And if she would then still have his child and grow up on the farm under him, then surely at some point she would also want more, and he would reject this, and punish her for it.


The look of pure rage on Lola's face for the last 5 min of this ep is pretty much exactly how I felt reading through this in the manga for the first time.

Orr Malus

Ketil is the sort of person who is extremely generous because he's got a lot of wealth to be generous from. His character was always weak: he was afraid of Thorgil, he couldn't control Orman, Patel was the one that made decisions around the farm, and Snake was the one that kept the retainers in check.


Thank you for your reaction! I'm glad to see you guys every week :)


The director recently apologized for not being able to expand on Snake's backstory with anime original content, they had it all planned out and he was gonna have a full episode dedicated to him but they didn't have enough episodes to fit it in and he didn't want to take away from the main story


The more I watch, the more I feel like this really might be the best season of an anime ever. Just my opinion of course. But it’s just incredible.


I think I still prefer S1 so far. This season is 'Farmland Saga' which feel more like a season that builds to something rather than be genuinely good on its own.


You do realize the first season is legit a prelude. + to say that a season cant be good on its own because it builds to something is a little silly.


i loved season 1 for askeladd and s2 for thorfinn/canute. i do agree that this season is enhanced by the first season. so in that regard, s1 hit a little harder for me but this season is still rly good even if u prefer the first season

Loki Marcus

Kinda angers me how they stretched out so many moments unnecessarily throughout the season but choose not to include stuff like that that would have enriched the story.


I just don't like this season as much as S1. Doesn't mean it's bad. It's still very good. It doesn't feel as tight and I don't find Arnheid and Einar as compelling as Askeladd, Thorkell and Canute.

Robert H.

But just to mention that, season 1 didn't really pick up steam until episode 18/19. Season 2 is similar here. Every episode that comes now will be very special.

Jay P

Maybe this is obvious to most, but I had what felt like an epiphany while I was thinking about the show on my jog. I think Canute and Thorfinn really came to the same realizations about violence, war, slavery, etc. Canute realized it when he was talking with the priest while Bjorn was fighting the other mutineers. Thorfinn realizes it gradually, but comprehends it fully in Oath (s2e9). But they each came to different conclusions on how to navigate the problem of violence in the world. Canute has pledged he will do anything to create his paradise so violence and war and slavery can be eliminated, or at least quelled easily. Thorfinn makes his pledge to swear off violence altogether, though that has proved difficult to do, even given his best intentions. Thorfinn is still trying to find the best way navigate it (the first method). Canute is seemingly resolute with his methods, but does not seem to relish what he feels he has to do. I wonder if this contrast in their approach will present itself in the series. Anyways, probably not as profound as I thought, but I love the way the show presents the problem of how to deal with violence. Diatribe over.


Aside from all the other reasons people have mentioned I think a big reason for what Ketil did was the fact that the person he actually loved in the past was married off to someone else a decision made by his dad. And she ended up dying anyways, none of which he had any control over. So I believe once he gained the power, money, etc.. and became a slave owner, he found out a fucked up way to have all of that. To have someone he "loved" that he had full control over and someone he would never give up considering what happened in the past. I hope its clear that I am not excusing what he did, he is still a grown ass man and what he did was awful. Especially considering Arnheid is one of the most innocent characters in the show up their with Einar.


This episode turned me on to Team Canute, I hope Thorfinn Einar and Arnheid join Canute and Kethil gets a vicious death. I’m hoping for a Thorkel vs Thorgil 1v1 too lol. The problem is I love Snake as well and have a bad feeling about him in this ‘war’ coming up😢

Giancarlo Martinez

Ketil is how the author says that there is no good slave owner, even the ones who are perceived as kind, a slave is still a thing by law and the owner can do as they wish with it. There is no moral slave ownership.