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hh episode 24

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Just checked to see if it's up and wow I got lucky lol, thanks for the vid.


I forgot how great the music was 😊


Don't forget to skip Episode 26. It's a recap episode.

Jack SV

Yeah, HunterXHunter doesn’t tend to follow any generic anime trends. That’s why I love this anime so much lol


I don't know if you girls noticed but there's a pattern for the siblings names, other than the "llu".


Rewatching this show really makes me appreciate the brilliance that was already there, even during the earlier arcs. This episode is another example of classic HxH, where it brilliantly subverts expectations of the shonen genre.

Jonathan baez

Them talking about the upbeat music after some depressing thing happens already is hilarious because of that one episode we all know that everyone comments on 😂


The way you are both confused is so funny🤣🤣


i love the names of the songs too like 'hegemony of the food chain' or 'kingdom of predators'


that episode was honestly a crime in emotional whiplash 😭


Wait which one cuz I don’t recall an episode like that

Ruma Risto

Yes, Silva is subtly but very deliberately manipulating Killua with those blood vows. He definitely expects Killua to fail as a friend in the future

Jonathan baez

Without saying specifics its the end of an arc and the episode has an after credit scene then immediately goes into the next episode preview with happy music


The scary thing about Silva is how manipulating he is. It's heartbreaking how the only time he sits with Killua and acts like a "good" father figure, is just another play pretend, and plot to control him even more. He trusts Killua to mess up and betray his friends, and be so devastated by the notion that he will come back to them just so he can tell him "I told you".


Make sure u don't watch the filler episodes


HxH is def an unpredictable show. You never know what is really coming, this and other things makes it the best shounen ever (for me)

Jake Port

I mean nobody could give an episode number because that would definitely be a spoiler lol.

Shaolin H

idk if you noticed but some major characters like hisoka or leorio have their own background music, just listen to hisoka's one is the best in my opinion


I need another hint 🤣 I don’t recall a arc ending like this unless u talking about the strongest villain in the show then I have an idea lmao


It's just unnecessarily cruel and annoying. I'd hope that they can be provided with a preview-free version somehow.


To add to another comment on here in regards to the Zoldyck sibling names , there is a pattern in their names.The younger sibling's name always starts with the syllable that the previous one's name ended with! Illu-mi to Mi llu-ki ,to Ki llu-a , to (unknown sibling) to Kallu-to which then restarts to the first sibling To mpa. That last one is just a joke LOL


Can't you just wait and see? Anymore "hints" given risks spoiling the show. This whole damn chain of comments is almost an unnecessary risk in itself.


This is the reason I love this story so much. All your theories about episodes of the gang trying to save Killua and Killua trying to fight out made me laugh, not because they were bad, but because of just how much Togashi ignores conventional storytelling for the sake of his characters. It’s probably my favorite thing about Hunter x Hunter, it also reminds me of shows like Better Call Saul and The Sopranos, where the plot takes a backseat because it’s the characters the writer wants to focus on. We could’ve gotten a long arc where Gon and the gang have to get past his family somehow to get Killua back, but none of it would’ve been as effective at showing Killua’s relationship with his dad and his dad’s perceived control over Killua as the two simple conversations we got. Togashi’s mastery of his craft shines so brightly in these moments.


“Deliberately”, “definitely”, are you Togashi? Because that was never confirmed, I took it as a genuine conversation. SPOILER (somewhat) I always assumed the mom was the one against friendships outside the family. Especially after what we know from the CA Arc. And the two guys that jumped from the dragon.

Payam Sharifi

Did you not see him drop the mask as soon as Killua left? I definitely think there's nuance to it but he's undoubtedly manipulating him.

Shaolin H

the father was genuine, he just thinks killua will come back


You keep saying that, but your assertion is refuted, as well. Unless I'm missing something, I would encourage you to explain in Rot-13

Orr Malus

As it was said in the show, Killua is the heir of the Zoldyck family having great potential. The family members are preparing him both physically and mentally for this role. Mentally they're using a very effective psychological technique called trauma-based mind-control. In pop culture this technique goes by the name "good cop, bad cop". The mother is the bad cop, the father is the good cop. They might seem to be at odds with each other but their end goal is the same.


Yes he was, try to remember what was reveled even later lol. SPOILER: The last arc he wouldn’t have agreed to let Alluka out if he didn’t mean to keep his word here. Plus all we know is that Illumi used a needle, but there’s no proof that the dad made him. Silva and Zeno also seemed pretty chill about seeing how Kil had changed during the CA arc


I disagree, I think the dad genuinely meant what he said. SPOILERS: YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. . . . . . . During the last arc killua brings up the promise they made and Silva let Killua leave with Alluka to help SAVE Gon, Silva wouldn’t have done that if he wasn’t slightly a decent father. He has to reason to risk the families life to heal Gon. I think the mom is the major issue, she’s always the one shown to be very controlling. Even Zeno (and his grandad) are friends with Netero as shown in the flashback during the invasion. Netero visits the family and sees a baby Zeno. I think the Silver haired family members are more reasonable and open minded to outsiders while the others are particularly not.

Orr Malus

SPOILER WARNING I never said Silva didn't mean what he said. I agree with you that he's one of the nice ones. Silva gave the job of educating Killua to Ilumi who's a total nutcase. I always thought it was because Silva knew he would have been too soft and would have spoiled Killua. The point of trauma-based mind-control is that in order to control someone you have to expose them to trauma first. Once they're in that suggestive state they will listen to the "good cop" without complaints. The ulterior reasons or motivations of the good cop are irrelevant.


I think the most likely explanation is: Togashi meant to have a pay-off for that Silva scene, but later either forgot or lost interest in it and made Silva assume a more honest role. It's VERY common and easy to identify moments when Togashi plants seeds and just never harvest. It's a "flaw" but it doesn't really bother me.


@ Shaolin H 13 and 26, the recap episodes? Other than those two, you're right--UNLESS you want to count the 1999 version, which if I remember correctly, were all in the first arc. But a lot of creative licenses were taken out for that adaptation as a whole, which I enjoyed tbh :P