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this is not the final video, we have yet to film the review, but when we finished the episode we only had 45min to film the review and we didn’t think that was enough time, but i was editing this and i might as well post it now and i will post the one with the review tomorrow.. i hope we’ll talk more articulately tomorrow but for now let me say this is one of my most favorite conclusions to anything i watched and it was a fitting end to an incredible show


mr robot 4x13

________________________ patreon - https://www.patreon.com/LMreactions twitter - https://twitter.com/LMreaction tv time - lola - skysstillblue, milena - oneofthe100



The downside of the marketing team for Mr. Robot is that they do this show a massive disservice by not giving this show the proper advertising / marketing it deserves. For example outside the US, every trailer for Mr. Robot was removed from YouTube or is forced into a "fan creation" version of a trailer. I'm not sure if YouTube keeps it for the US audience, but outside US audience it's inaccessible. I also never saw any real advertising for this series during it's release, I don't understand why either. This show is such a fucking gem, this show deserved some real marketing behind it / less aggressive copyright shutdowns of fan-made pages / channels etc.


The. Best. Show. Ever. Thank you for letting me enjoy it again through both your eyes.


"This only works if you let go too" this show is so perfect even though i finished it time ago. It's still one of the shows that you can't get it off your mind. Elliot Alderson is still my favourite character oat


Thanks so much for reacting to the show. Your reactions got me to rewatch the series fully since it first aired and it was just as great as I remembered if not better. Imo the run of 4x7 through 4x13 is the best run of episodes on tv, and the finale is my favorite episode of anything. There are so many lines throughout the show that hit differently, and so many scenes that could have multiple meanings, it's really impressive. You can really tell how confident Esmail was in where he wanted the show to go.


this is probably the 4th/5th time i've rewatched and this episode makes me cry every fucking time, thank you guys so much for watching and sharing your reactions, thoughts, viewpoints etc with us it's been a pleasure watching with you guys (it's how i found your youtube) and i'm sure i'll be around for a lot of other show reactions too maybe i'll watch the wire for the first time with you guys reacting to it. thanks for this lovely journey, you've got a good 1 hour 30 mins of deleted scenes to go through as well as some bloopers, easter eggs and other stuff you can find that's super fun about this show when you have free time (of course not necessary to record any of that stuff just for personal enjoyment). been a great watch, thank you lola and milena c:

A Dude

God I love this show so much, nothing has came close to how much it has moved me. So glad you all were finally able to experience it


Thank you for reacting to my favorite show! The finale is an indescribable emotional experience. It is a perfect conclusion to a beautiful and touching story that becomes a part of your life. Even though it's only 45 episodes long, the show covers a myriad of topics that are all explored beautifully. Other than entertaining you it teaches you a lot about life and how people deal with it, and what people are capable to achieve their goals and desires. I could write a novel about why I consider it the best TV show ever made. There is so much to talk about... As a lot of other people mentioned, this show has a ridiculously high rewatch value. In fact, it is a completely different experience on rewatch that makes you appreciate it even more.


What is this show about? In principle it is simple, a hacker who fights against the superpowers that govern the world. But it’s actually about much more. It’s about overcoming pain, dealing with life’s traumas. It is about the value of friendship and family, about the intrinsic goodness of human beings. It is about the importance of small things, about fear, loneliness, anger. The options that life gives you. About good and evil. About what makes one self... anyway, I could continue and not stop. Thank you for your reactions, loved every second of it.


Now that it's all over, I suggest in the review where you have more time re-watching the 1x4 hallucination experience. Basically from when Elliot/MM gets "shot" in the crackhouse and the tv turns on, from there to when he wakes up. The cool thing about it is it's sorta split into sections that tell the whole story of the show, the family/memory stuff in S1, the Tyrell/prison stuff in S2, the Angela stuff in S3 and finally the Elliot stuff in S4. Another thing I'd like to see is a ranking of the top 4? I mean I'd love to hear thoughts on other characters you really like such as Tyrell, Price and Irving but I feel like your top four will definitely be the same just in a different order so I'd love to know. Aand now I'll watch the reaction, those were just thoughts I had initially, maybe you covered both in the discussion hahaha


USA Network doesn't have an international presence. Not sure when it was added to Hulu but even then Netflix was king at the time. It was simply a logistics issue. That being said, I still feel the marketing within the US was a bit lackluster (then again, USA Network wasn't and probably still isn't one of the more popular TV networks). Can't even remember how it was that I got into this show (a Twitter ad possibly? Awards campaign?). I feel like there's a current similar situation with a show called Yellowjackets on Showtime. Impossible to tell how impactful future seasons will be but I have watched the first season and it's got quality to it. It resembles Mr. Robot a bit in in the sense that it's falling under a lot of people's radars yet it's having an admirable degree of success for a series on such a relatively unpopular network.


I knew everything to do with Darlene would cause instant tears, haha. The first time I saw this final episode, the final shot in fact, made her my favorite character which I didn't expect at all. I love that it ends on her and that all we see of the original Elliot is his eye and then his perspective. The different alters at the movie theatre and all the memories throughout the course of the show, in that tunnel of light, implies to me that there was some form of integration for Elliot in the end. That he didn't wake up completely scared, confused, and with everything on his conscience -- he now has all of the different parts of him working together to carry the burden and his sister who will finally be there for him for real.


it was so great to be with you on this journey! one of my favorite shows ever. great reactions to every single episode as well as your predictions to like every single "twist" this show had to offer. always interesting to listen to your discussions. will be so excited to tune in for the next reactions to a show that i love. thank you for these! <3

Martin Nicholls

First time I watched this the scene where Elliot wakes up and is talking to Darlene my sister calls me in the middle of it, like can you not? I have thoughts but I'll save them for the review video.


What a beautiful ending to a masterpiece of a show


What an incredible show that I would never have watched were it not for this channel!


Thank you Milena & Lola for such an intelligent and emotional reaction to this amazing show. This show has meant so much to me when I watched it live and has only grown on me over the years. Your reaction has certainly shown how bright you both are (I was clueless for the first watch) and I thank you for the empathy and humanity you have shown towards such dark subjects depicted in the show. I look forward to watching your reaction to the wire!


So glad this show was put and n the poll. One of my favs. The wire is an all time great show as well.


If anyone interested here's Sam Esmail's (the creator) top 10 favorite episodes (he posted it on reddit a while ago): 1 - eps1.3_da3m0ns.mp4 (all the weird dreams stuff) 2 - eps2.4_m4ster-s1ave.aes (sitcom and Angela hacking the FBI) 3 - eps3.2_legacy.so (Tyrell flashback episode) 4 - 407 Proxy Authentication Required 5 - eps2.6_succ3ss0r.p12 (Elliot-less episode) 6 - eps3.7_dont-delete-me.ko 7 - eps3.5_kill-pr0cess.inc (cyberbombings) 8 - 405 Method Not Allowed (no-talk episode) 9 - eps3.4_runtime-err0r.r00 (one take episode) 10 - eps2.9_pyth0n-pt1.p7z (Angela and Whiterose conversation)


A man of taste. Also, I recall him saying in an interview or perhaps an AMA somewhere that he wishes he could go back in time and direct 1x4 (Daemons) himself. Makes me wonder what he would change, and what notes he gave to the director to communicate his vision at the time


well, i just finished the episode and let me tell you something. i am not okay. i cried for like the last 20 minutes of the episode and the parts with darlene hit me like a punch. i've said this a few times but my sister is the person i love the most in this world and she's my rock, so it always bugged me that darlene was never part of the picture in his family and now even more when i saw she was not part of his "ideal world" so imagine my surpise when they reveal it's because elliot's connection with her is so strong that it was the best way to trap elliot in that mental prison. the fact that darlene's face is the last shot of the show made me sob ngl. okay, let me tell you something. if i weren't watching this alongside you my mind would have done backflips watching the last bunch of episodes because believe me when i tell you i would never have figured out the plott of our elliot being "just" another personality. i would have been so lost watching this it wouldn't even be funny. so i thank you for your intelligence lol it was nice seeing dom one last time and angela too, i miss her :( but i agree with milena, it's funny to see lola's reaction every time angela was onscreen. this show was such a delight and i will probably rewatch it soon when i have some time. it'´ll be weird af to watch it without you two on the corner of my screen ngl. also, the last part with the light and all the images reminded me to fmab when ed and al saw the truth and all the images. that was nice. well, now i only need to watch like 10 of your hxh reactions to catch up with your videos. this was a great way to watch a show. i'll do it with the wire too since i haven't watched it either, but sadly i know a bunch of spoilers from that show due to watching many top 10 mojo videos with my roommates in college. fingers crossed black sails finally comes after the wire.


My man Mastermind was so ready to steal Elliot's life forever lol. He couldn't deny Darlene her brother though. The part where he says he's just a guy playing God without permission hits me so hard. He's gotta take himself down :(

Ron B

I haven't commented in a while and mostly just "liked" a large majority of other people's comments here haha but I'll just echo the sentiment of others. THANK YOU for taking the time to watch all of it and ALSO to pace yourselves to let things really sink in. It was an absolute blast to rewatch it with the two of you and while I certainly cried at the critical moments while it aired it was somehow more impactful this time alongside the two of you. Again thank you so much for watching without a doubt my absolute favorite show of all time, and I think a lot of us really felt the sting of "this only works if you let go too" 😅😅 NO MM I DON'T WANNA YOU CAN'T MAKE ME! 😭😭 nor will he! I will rewatch it forever and ever and always love when new people pick it up fresh too 🥹


@Isaac you know that meme from community that goes like "i can excuse racisim but i draw the line at animal cruelty". well, that was him (i know people call him mastermind but it'll take a while before i stop thinking of him as elliot so let's just go with "him" for now. he was like "i can excuse choking someone and stealing his life but i draw the line at hurting darlene". siblings connection always make me emotional. that's why some (most) of my favourite shows have a sibling relationship as a big part of the plot. he loved darlene so much that he was willing to give up control and made sure to let darlene know that he loved her before doing it 😭😭😭😭


I wanted to share a little ending analysis from reddit that I agree with: "What we saw is the Mastermind finally give back control to the real Elliot, and heads with the other personalities into a theater to finally rest, their job is done. There, the Mastermind starts crying after the projector turns on because what the projector was showing were the memories that were created since Fsociety was formed. So the Mastermind felt sad of what he has caused (Fsociety members death, thousands of lives were lost, and Angela's death), and all these memories are being transfered to the real Elliot while the camera is slowly going into the projector's light. Moving on, the real Elliot is finally back, and we see his eye full of tear, because he got these memories from the Mastermind and realized that his love, Angela, is dead. But that's not just a sad tear, it's also a happy tear because at least his sister Darlene is sill alive and besides him, so he won't feel alone anymore in this world." - TheThunder20 from reddit.

Brad Johnson

What an utterly AMAZING ending! BRILLIANT! Remember how frustrating the beginning of the series was? Like I said...EVERYTHING is answered in the end. Every little threat and piece fits so nicely at the finale. One of the best shows ever! Was incredible to watch it again with you both. Thank you for watching it!


He is HIM lol True. I sometimes forget that bit where he lets Darlene know what she means to him before he gives in. What they shared during the last 15 months will be unforgettable. They were a formidable sibling duo. Dysfunctional as hell, but unbreakable love


I 100% believe/agree the ending represents a type of reintegration and the Elliot left in control at the end has all his memories back. So all that 'progress' wasn't for nothing and Elliot can begin to move forward with Darlene, maybe with Dom when she gets back, in a world that is still bad but better cuz it doesn't have the Deus Group in it.

Colin Huckestein

I can't say much that hasn't already been said, but as weird as it sounds I'm glad the ending seemed to hit the emotions for you- it definitely did for me. This isn't just my favorite show but is one of the few stories of any medium that really got under my skin and impacted me on a deep emotional level. Funnily enough, HxH is one of the other few stories that have really hit me like this (though obviously in different ways and with a vastly different style), so needless to say I'm really excited to see how that story ultimately goes for you both as well. But yeah thanks for sharing this! Excited for the review video.


Thank you also Adam for letting me know LM were doing this series too!!! Was an awesome ride going on this again


Tyrell, Price, and Irving - three amazing characters. I did love that they changed their tune on Price, because he really is a spectacular character and actor. I absolutely love the way he pronounces his words / structures his sentences when doing his heavy hitter lines


No problem. Yeah, my only wish for this channel is fulfilled as well.