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the last of us 1x07

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nice, this episode was based on the dlc that was released after the game came out.


Milena breaks the world record for fastest setup tour at 46:20

Deno Baanu

Haha thank you for giving us a tour of your setup at the end 😆😆❤️


I said this on the video too: their screen is so small compared to what I thought it'd be😂😂😂


No wonder they have trouble seeing things sometimes 😆

Ben Trotter

I'm sure i missed it and you guys have already figured this out, but you know the officer in the beginning of the episode from The Expanse. That was Prax. His "best friend in the whole world" was Amos :)


You missed it. They recognized him. Mentioned in the post discussion.


I think in the first few minutes you can see that Ellie dragged him with a horse while he was on top of a blanket or mattress. Anyway, great reaction as usual. Ellie and Riley are so cute, and it's both beautiful that they get to experience this together, and horribly sad that it ends the way it does. And considering the cordyceps started in 2003, the world that has been built in its wake definitely hasn't progressed on LGBT stuff the way that many places have now. So there was this element of fear too - both of them worried not just that the other wouldn't feel the same way, but that their reaction could be homophobic. So when they kiss and they laugh and they realize that they had no reason to be worried, and then everything comes crashing down around them? Yeah, it's a lot. Hell, I remember when the game first came out and we saw this DLC, there were absolutely some loud assholes complaining that Ellie is gay. Or they went out of their way to try and talk around it, saying she was 'experimenting' or that 'she's too young to know', etc. TBH a lot of those same people also complained about the female characters in the game in general - they were too "in charge", or "acted like men", and so on. So having the show come out now and hearing some of the same rhetoric is...something. Really can't wait for you guys to see the final two episodes.

Siddhant Pandey (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-31 05:30:49 This episode just reminded me of why I love the character of Ellie so much. As someone who is a MASSIVE fan of the games and knows them like the back of his hand... Bella Ramsey KILLED it as Ellie. And Pedro Pascal killed it as Joel. A lot of people want to compare & rank the performances of show Joel & Ellie with Game Joel & Ellie. And while one can have their preferences, I guess... I think that is a bit of a pointless thing. The show never even set out to top the games or whatever. Jut wanted to faithfully introduce this story & characters to a new audience, in a different medium. And they did that in spades. These new actors manage to faithfully portray the characters while bringing a LOT of their own spins & sensibilities. And they both fit their respective mediums very well. And both performances are truly great. Ultimately, I walked out of the show with a deeper love & appreciation for the character of Joel & Ellie, instead of pointlessly trying to rank the two versions.
2023-03-31 03:17:16 This episode just reminded me of why I love the character of Ellie so much. As someone who is a MASSIVE fan of the games and knows them like the back of his hand... Bella Ramsey KILLED it as Ellie. And Pedro Pascal killed it as Joel. A lot of people want to compare & rank the performances of show Joel & Ellie with Game Joel & Ellie. And while one can have their preferences, I guess... I think that is a bit of a pointless thing. The show never even set out to top the games or whatever. Jut wanted to faithfully introduce this story & characters to a new audience, in a different medium. And they did that in spades. These new actors manage to faithfully portray the characters while bringing a LOT of their own spins & sensibilities. And they both fit their respective mediums very well. And both performances are truly great. Ultimately, I walked out of the show with a deeper love & appreciation for the character of Joel & Ellie, instead of pointlessly trying to rank the two versions.

This episode just reminded me of why I love the character of Ellie so much. As someone who is a MASSIVE fan of the games and knows them like the back of his hand... Bella Ramsey KILLED it as Ellie. And Pedro Pascal killed it as Joel. A lot of people want to compare & rank the performances of show Joel & Ellie with Game Joel & Ellie. And while one can have their preferences, I guess... I think that is a bit of a pointless thing. The show never even set out to top the games or whatever. Jut wanted to faithfully introduce this story & characters to a new audience, in a different medium. And they did that in spades. These new actors manage to faithfully portray the characters while bringing a LOT of their own spins & sensibilities. And they both fit their respective mediums very well. And both performances are truly great. Ultimately, I walked out of the show with a deeper love & appreciation for the character of Joel & Ellie, instead of pointlessly trying to rank the two versions.