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the last of us 1x04

________________________ patreon - https://www.patreon.com/LMreactions twitter - https://twitter.com/LMreaction tv time - lola - skysstillblue, milena - oneofthe100


Sergeant Jay

Hey LM reactions i wanted to comment this on the AOT section but,I was too late so you girls couldn’t read my comment, I have a question, did you girls manage to rewatch the show ? How was it ?


"That guy next to her" is Tommy's voice actor from the game. 😊

Duckerino (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-08 22:19:04 https://www.patreon.com/posts/schedule-update-79520540 They've not seen it, most likely.
2023-03-07 06:13:23 https://www.patreon.com/posts/schedule-update-79520540 They've not seen it, most likely. Edit: Oops, I did not read that right.

https://www.patreon.com/posts/schedule-update-79520540 They've not seen it, most likely. Edit: Oops, I did not read that right.

Robert H.

Honestly they don't need to rewatch everything, but season 1, season 3 part 1, 3x20-3x22 and the watched OVAs I would consider important. Season 2 Lola has already rewatched important moments in her one rewatch sprint before Part 2 like Ymir's experience with the Paths, Bertholdt's and Reiner's statements about the Eldians and a few other little things. And Season 4 is still pretty fresh with them, with 4x21 and 4x28 being pretty darn important, of course. Those are the ones I might rewatch.