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mr robot 305

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I always loved that scene with Edie. These kinds of jobs are hard to get started in as an older person, and it's especially hard if you're a woman. Someone like Edie working somewhere like that has probably been there for a very long time, and has more experience than anyone else in that room. Elliot completely misjudged that situation.


Yeah I loved the scene. It's doubly funny to me because Elliot goes to a terminal and loads up Kibana which is a tool I used at previous jobs that still gives me nightmares. It's just so funny seeing Elliot totally mis-judge the situation, take the L and pivot, and boot up Kibana in browser to check status - Edie reminds me much of the many women who came up in tech in 80s/90s and survived and are still kicking ass today


By the way ... the "counting" in the elevators in this episode was from Philip Glass' opera Einstein On The Beach. Its an amazing piece of music.