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vinland 202

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Orr Malus

I have a question. I read a bunch of the manga and is it me or is the tone of the anime way more serious than the source material? At least for this season. It's almost like a completely different show. Almost. Does anyone else get the same impression?


You are right. Einar's past is not depicted in the manga, his comic moves are omitted and more serious scenes are presented. I don't think this is a bad alteration considering the weight of the theme. However, some may be dissatisfied.


Thorfinn dropped the sword at last season's last scene, its a good thing he doesn't want to fight. If he has any intention of becoming a true warrior like his father the first step is to let go of the sword. He shouldn't come back to the battlefield. This is development

Robert H.

Oh yes, Mappa has written many humorous scenes more seriously and also portrayed them more seriously. Actually, in some scenes Einar should have been drawn simpering like Edward in FMAB and walked a bit funny. For example, the scene in the first episode when he steals food as he runs away from the slaveholders would have been such a scene. And especially with a later episode, I noticed how a rather lighthearted scene became much more somber. But the director of the adaptation said he wanted to do a few things differently to give the story a darker tone and better visualize the trauma of the characters.

Orr Malus

Well I'm looking forward to Mappa failing at making Bug Eyes a somber character.

Robert H.

You spoilered a name! But yes, they can't make him somber. That would be like taking the humor out of Thorkell.


@0rr Malus I remember you shitting on the anime every week saying you've stopped watching in the first 10 episodes & saying you genuinely couldn't understand how people can watch/like this show & LM shouldn't watch it, it's too barbaric but things seemed to have changed for you now & you also read the manga? wow you're a fan now I guess, I would have never thought 🤣

Orr Malus

I still don't like the anime. It's pretty tone deaf. It elevates the tragic parts while also keeping the goofy parts which makes it seem like 2 completely different style anime playing at once. It makes sense now knowing what MAPPA did. The manga author had his own story. The anime director had his own story as well. Unfortunately they did not mix. Stories and characters can be changed completely by altering a very small thing. I now stand 110% with what I previously said about the anime but now I blame MAPPA for the mess. Reminds me of the original JoJo anime from the 90's. Imagine someone trying to turn JoJo into a grimdark moody story.


I mean come on Malus. Vinlands humour and goofyness is as tame as it gets for an anime. Comparing it to Jojo where characters punch frogs, have meme breathing superpowers and take out machine guns and grenades out of their back pockets is just ridiculous. This arc deals with trauma. I don't see how it being serious can be a bad thing.

Orr Malus

I'm reading the manga right now. But I did start where this season starts so there might have been a change in tone from how it began. Comparing the first season to where I'm at in the manga it's like night and day. It borders on a satire. I find it way funnier than JoJo.

Mitchell Hall

dude how are you still here, weren't you the one commenting on every Vinland reaction sayin they should drop it? now you're dropping awful opinions. mappa is doing what is should do with aot, keep the source material but add depth to it. Another L take from Orr