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bcs 1x01 full.mp4


Eddie Collison

Minimum wage gets you $630.00 for one day? I'm moving to your country immediately lol.


How many episodes of TV did you watch on this day?! BCS AND like 4 episodes of Attack on Titan + reviews? Omg. How do you guys do it? Must've taken hours and hours!


Scene Jimmy was referencing, from the movie "Network". https://youtu.be/35DSdw7dHjs


Been noticing some interesting audio artifacting in your recordings recently. Not sure what's causing it, but the likely issue is a bad connection issue with your microphone. IE: 3:04 of this video. Might also be caused by some sort of shortwave radio signal messing with your mic. Might be a good idea to keep your phone away from your recording devices. Edit: It pings at seemingly regular intervals, it might be your bluetooth causing the issue. I'd recommend turning it off, and seeing if that fixes the issue.


There's lots of callbacks to Breaking bad. Here's one for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VM_5_vQ7nek


I like how everyone is so thrilled to see Tuco. When I watched Breaking Bad I hated Tuco so much because I was afraid of him. But Breaking Bad puts you thru so much trauma (like the audience is Jesse...) that by the time you get here I was like "TUCO!!! MY OLD FRIEND! 🥰" The show stockholm syndromes you I swear.

Shadoe Price

I love how the title sequence is purposely shitty just like Saul's commercials in Breaking Bad


YES! So excited for this!! Y'all are in for the most beautiful slow burn of a TV show. That is by no means a bad thing. This series set its own pace and it's definitely one of its strengths. I know you guys will have a lot of questions while watching but rest assured that they will, more often than not, be answered when the time is right and as long as you pay close attention (which we've all come to learn you're very good at)! I cannot wait to see you guys get into the rest of the episodes! You're going to meet quite a lot of new characters that I know you are going to love and cherish just like in Breaking Bad.