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5 seasons in the making...

the full reaction is processing, it'll be up within the hour


bb 508

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It's a rush to the finish line!

Daniel Chavez

So excited to watch this reaction!!


Absolutely the hardest thing to wait for where the next episodes! Although, it was entirely worth it!!!!


At the beginning, Walt did not know that those guys knew him. It was Lydia who told Walter later in the fourth episode that I put out a hit on them because they knew me and they also know you since you are the star chef they always talked about.


IMO Hank finding out from the book is great, because it's the show underlining how, once again, it's Walt's ego that brings him down


I was so excited to watch your reaction for this episode! You never disappoint ! Very good analysis. I'm very happy you appreciate good writing. I think many shows and movies are lacking this. They go for the easy shots. To subvert your expectations without building up to them. How satisfying that all pieces of the puzzle come together so naturally.


It's a true testament to the writing of this show that an otherwise-uneventful and droll reminiscing of an RV between two estranged coworkers/partners can be so painful that it makes someone like Lola cry harder than the scene where Walt picked up Jesse, wailing in the heroin den after the love of his life had just asphyxiated and died. There's a lot of history between these two, and this show knows how to make that really count.


There 👏🏼 is👏🏼no👏🏼thread👏🏼that👏🏼goes👏🏼unresolved 👏🏼


"To subvert your expectations without building up to them." Well said


OMG you two watched Friday Night Lights? Next to Breaking Bad that was probably my favorite non HBO TV show, did you guys have reactions to that?


That moment at 20:24, when Walt says "Inertia," and Jesse says, "yeah," - fantastic writing and acting. You can see that Walt realizes Jesse has no idea what inertia means, and is just agreeing so he doesn't look dumb, which we've seen him do a couple times already in the show. You know you've written a great character when the viewer can understand what's going on in their mind just from a subtle facial expression.


Love the tank top look!


why would you spoil?!

Mike Api

I was so excited for you two to finally get here! Milena mentioned it but just IMAGINE waiting an entire year after this. (Plus watching it live with regular commercial breaks makes the buildup of each episode even more intense.) Someone else has probably mentioned this but it's interesting how the White's living room has gotten darker and darker as Walt has gotten worse and worse. In the beginning it was light and airy with the drapes open, and now he's in almost total darkness during the prison scene. (In the "future" living room in episode 9 there's barely any light coming through, just a few slivers peeking through the boarded up windows.)