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Thank you! As a comment in the other post said, Hange's gender was never confirmed (In Japanese it's much easier to avoid gendering someone in the language) and the author of the series said he would rather let people interpret it how they choose, so a lot of people like to use they/them. I personally switch between feminine pronouns and neutral ones. The anime amped up a lot of Hange's feminine traits and casted a woman voice actress (Though she did say in an interview she tried her best to convey a genderless sense). On another note, what OVAs do you two think you'll be reacting to? I look forward to them + your overall thoughts on S1 before going in S2 (Which I'm also excited for because the writing specifically for the characters is so much better imo, can't wait)


Who cares about the gender. It's sexy or not. If I like it I take it.


Is korra once a week?