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the full reaction is exporting now, if i don't fall asleep by the time it's done i'll post it in a few hours and if i do ill post it tomorrow morning


bb 5x07

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living for these reactions tbh


You'll have a blast with Better Call Saul! RIP Mike, but he did pin pointed Walt's main fault, his Ego. BB is a tragedy because we all see Walt's fault and his downfall because of it.


one of the nine guys is the one who ran the laundry facility so at the least he knows walt and jesse


Yeah, after watching Mike on Better Call Saul you're going to be even more mad at Walt. Spot on about that!


All BB main characters are very strong and smart, included Skyler. I think many people dislike her at the beginning of the show for pushing Walt to take the treatment and kind of spy on him. However that makes her a better character. She would be so boring if she was a shallow and naive wife. Being smart and strong complicates things. Anna Gunn is a great actress and well deserved her Emmy.


Need the next episodes reaction asap! ps:One of the nine guys was something like the manager of the laundry where the underground lab was so for sure he knows Walt and Jesse and we have seen this guy when Gomez visited the laundry and a couple of episodes ago when Mike visited him in jail to calm him and tell him that he is still gonna get his monthly payment for keeping his mouth shut


Some of the nine DO know Walt. One of them was the manager of the laundry facility. He saw Walt and Jesse on a daily basis.


Wow watching Lola steel herself after seeing Walter walk back with the gun...something I do too when a character I really like is definitely going to die. Could feel your dread lol

Chris B

I appreciate your coversation on how well the story is written. One of the main reasons for this is that the storyline stays true to the characters. Their development is believable and their actions flow naturally from their characters. Nobody ever does anything just because "we need the plot to go this way". You mentioned how well the show is thought out. Vince actually often spoke about changing planned plotlines because he saw it wouldn't be that natural for a character. The writers talked about often not knowing what will happen next in later episodes, writing themselves into corners, and then trying their best to think, what would this character naturally do in this sceanrio. For example, skyler initially wasn't supposed to know what Walter does (at least for a lot longer) but Vince was able to recognize that the character is too intelligent, and would be too much of a stretch for her not to find out. I'd say that this ability to adapt, shift and change the story, all for the sake of believable characters, is the shows greatest strength.


The nine connect all aspects of the Los Pollos operation, from the laundry all the way to Madrigal. If Lydia was to be picked up, I don't see her standing up to the heat that Hank would lay into her about who else is connected to this. Killing the nine does ensure that no one connected to Gus' operation has the ability to flip info that could bring down Walt ultimately.


Agreed. Even Skyler hates the idea of other people thinking she's an idiot. She specifically said she'd prefer that people think she's a competent criminal over a moronic home maker. As an audience member and as a member of civilization, it's hard for me to respect anyone who doesn't respect themselves, and Skyler fighting for the integrity of their story for the sake of her own dignity made me respect her a lot more.


Yeah, they mentioned that in different "writer's room" interviews, about how they all learned from Vince and grew as writers when they realized they could let go of trying to drive the plot and focus on the motives of the characters. I really hope more shows follow suit in the future. Come to think of it, this show is basically the opposite of Lost, where all the plot twists were contrived, plot driven (vs character driven), and ultimately meaningless. It was a shockingly apt title for the show, and unwittingly a template for what not to do. One of my favorite movies is Ex Machina. I showed it to a friend once (a fellow sci-fi fan), and he was bizarrely angry that the outcome was reasonable. He said, "They gave us a series of possible options at the beginning, but didn't surprise me at the end with something new". I was in shock. I said, "I know, that's amazing! They told us what could happen, and then it followed through by making sense!" I guess we'll just never see eye to eye on that movie. Oh well. It's a great movie for anyone who likes good writing.


"Shut the fuck up ...and let me die in peace." Such a Mike line. RIP big guy. Mike's tragedy is that he saw it coming - he literally told Walt that he was a time bomb and that he didn't have any intention of being around when it went off. But that's exactly what happened. The time bomb had a short fuse, and Mike was the final match. Mike would have seen it coming easier if he hadn't been blinded by his own anger. The cynical old man had one good thing in his life (his granddaughter) and when that was threatened, he let himself get caught up in the problem rather than the solution. And then Walt, not to be outshined in the scene, apologizes for shooting Mike because he could have gotten the names from Lydia. That's when Lola (and the rest of us) went: "Are you fucking kidding me!?" Anger back on Walt. Good job, asshole >_<

Michael Kang-Beats

Gus was the most logical. No ego. No pride. His one blind spot, and his ultimate downfall, was his obsession with torturing Hector.


uhh yes thats ego and pride right there. if anything he had just as much pride as walter except hes better at not showing it.


from this moment until the end of the series is probably the best tv I've ever watched


Jesse is a Son with 3 Father's and the only one that treated him right in my opinion was Mike.


That's ridiculous smfh moral subversion 2.0 Jesse came from a good healthy moral family and Mike was a murdering piece of human garbage just like all of our "protagonists"


His mothers a bitch and his dad has no balls , good healthy moral! Lol


Okay buddy

akiro somp

No worries ull see mike again in a different show ;)

Shadoe Price

If you go back to the conversation between Lydia and Walter in Dead Frieght she tells him that "some of them even know about you" So there are people in prison right now that know about Walter. Also when Mike talks about Walter's ego I think he's saying something a bit darker than what you think he is saying. He's not saying that Walter killed Gus out of a need to be the best, he means standing up for Jesse and doing what he did was an egotistical thing to do, and that if he had "known his place" he would have just let Gus handle the outcome instead. Mike and Jesse have formed a relationship, but Mike has just lost everything that he had for his family, again. He might very well never be able to see them again. And they're likely to come under scrutiny because of his actions. If Jesse dying would've prevented all of this from happening you better believe that Mike would've rather that have happened.

Shadoe Price

I love the discussion on Walter at the end. One of the worst things about being a Breaking Bad fan is having to deal with some other Breaking Bad fans.


As someone who watched the show when it aired, and would discuss the episodes on forums week by week, i have to say that even at the time there was a large ( i want to say majority, but maybe that was MY social bubble) portion of people who did consider Walt a villain, and Skyler (for example) a victim. So i think the debate within the fanbase has always been there, though maybe it's gotten worse with time (?). I saw some people imply that back in the day everybody was just hating on Skyler and rooting for Walter and again, that just isn't true, there was always a big split. Much like the split of people who hated Fly, and those who loved it. Personally i don't see how you couldn't consider Sky a victim of Walter, for the most part, and i loved Fly. My interpretation of the people who feel like they have to defend Walt, mostly do so because he inherently brings out the "fun" moments of the show, and they conflate that with rationalizing his actions.


I have no idea how far ahead you are in watching this but if you haven't gotten to 5x14 I'd recommend taking a small breather between 5x13 and 5x14 to watch the AMC commercial where Bryan reads a poem. They released it after 5x13. When the time is right, here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3dpghfRBHE.


I think its the case with a lot of villains in TV shows/movies or whatever. When villains are so good to the point where many root for them, it doesn't always been in real life their actions are agreeable. But no doubt they are probably the stars of the show for those people (me included lol). I love Walter but I do agree that the man has reached psychopathic levels.

Podey Williams

I can say this without being a spoiler but I can confirm that Better Call Saul will make you hate Walt for this even more!


omg if vince gilligan (the OG) would make action/crime series about the rise of mike.. 😍. tbh it might be bad idea since vince realy do homeworks and check how things turns out in reality to write it in he's scripts..