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lok 101 full.wmv



"The children of my children, they're my grandchildren," that's the best thing I've heard you say :D Also, really excited to watch this one I've been waiting for it! I hope the 2 of you enjoy Korra.

William Abbott

nice love the full reactions i bought korra on vudu years ago


Okay, after watching the full reaction I think I've misjudged how much you girls are going to love this show. You're straight-up going to lose your minds at some of the stuff that happens and the people we meet. The list of things I want you to see is pretty big now, judging by your reaction to the first episode. :)


Full timer based reactions off the bat for LoK??? 😍 I love it, and I can't wait for you guys to experience the rest of the show!


Yeah you guys are gonna love this.


Yes i agree. Based off of how excited they were in episode 1 I cant wait to see them react to the rest.


Hi! Just wondering why only the audio and not video of the episode is included? Your avatar full reaction uploads had the video included. Was it a copyright issue with korra?


I think they're switching to audio only from now on since showing the full video is illegal. It's likely that they've been reported by some assholes.

BiPolar HoneyBear

Ah, I can't wait to go on this journey with you girls. This gonna be quite the ride