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we haven't posted the schedule today because we had to change it and we didn't get to do what we planned for today so we're gonna post it tomorrow but for tomorrow you should expect an episode of bb, and you'll get them 2 times a week for the month of november, we'll explain tomorrow why just for november for now :)


the boys 2x06 full 2.wmv



BB twice a week? It's Christmas in November! Excited to hear what you ladies have planned for the future! :)


So glad BB is finally coming twice a week! :) I really hope the fact that it's only for November has nothing to with the show itself or technical problems or something..

Danny (Icarus)

Thanks for the update, your hard work is truly appreciated. Looking forward to the next Breaking Bad, The Boys and especially The Haunting of Hill House. 🤗


it really just has to do with the fact that we have exams in january and in december vikings is back and we have to film that as well as study more, so we wont have time to post bb twice a week but when we finish exams we'll go back to twice a week 😊


we still haven't warched past episode 5 cause we cant watch just one and we need a day to watch more but we're dying to continue thohh


for now the only thing we're sure of is attack on titan at some point and we'll see what else, we're definitely gonna need help when we start deciding later 😊