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Sweet Owl

"What do you want to do about it?" massive chills every time. I think the dialogue about darkness between Flint and Silver is easily my second favourite of the entire show. Milena asked "Who wrote this show?" eh, probably the best writers out there, I wish there were people like that behind so many shows that had great potential but were ruined by terrible writers and showrunners. Vane's death always hit hard, even if it's arguably a fit ending for the character; the first time I didn't expect it though, I believed till the last moment they would have saved him. Also, this time I must side with Max, what Eleanor did was dumb and dictated purely by her feelings and not reason, even if she tried to make it pass as a pragmatic decision. That said, it also wouldn't be fair to deny Vane deserved it (I'm against death penalty in real life but I try to see things in context of that era), in the end he was a criminal, a thief and a cold blooded murderer, the priest wasn't wrong about that. I'm surprised at Mr. Scott denying Eleanor as a second daughter. Ok Madi was his actual and only biological daughter, but considering he was with Eleanor her entire life and the relationship she had with her... I don't know, it was kinda sad to hear him saying that.


Charles Vane said "Better to Die than Be Killed" and he MEANT IT. Whatever else you want to say about him -- and there is an awful lot you can say about him -- he backed up what he said. In real life, Charles Vane was one of the pirates who really did steal some of the treasure from the "Urca de Lima" after it was shipwrecked. It wasn't quite the world-changing amount that is depicted in this series, but Jack Rackham is right that Vane really is in that box. With regards to who's in the "Treasure Island" novel, I won't say who's alive there or not to avoid giving away too much about how this show ends, but there are several characters in the novel who are POSTHUMOUS characters. They were created for the novel, but they had already died before that story, and are only talked about by other characters remembering them. So, just because a character is from the novel doesn't necessarily mean that they survive this series. Of the characters you've met so far, the real people are: Charles Vane, Benjamin Hornigold, Jack Rackham, Anne Bonny, Edward Teach, Ned Low, and Woodes Rogers. Eleanor and her father are a kind of half-real: The Guthrie clan was a real family who had business interests in the Caribbean, and did a lot of commerce with the pirates as their fences and go-betweens, but they were never IN with the pirates. There's no direct equivalent to either Eleanor or her father.