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our camera thought the pillow i was holding was more important than us so it focused on it for the episode…

black sails is exporting



________________________ patreon - https://www.patreon.com/LMreactions twitter - https://twitter.com/LMreaction tv time - lola - skysstillblue, milena - oneofthe100


Nobel - Karlsefni

I know Lola & Milena enjoy having long reviews after the episodes they watch, but does anybody know if in the past, the audience has suggested cutting down post-episode discussions to 10-15 minutes, especially for longer running shows & anime such as HxH in order for them to have more time to react to more episodes and push out more content. Obviously, I know a decent amount of this audience really enjoys the long discussions and reviews they have after episodes and of course it is insightful to hear and interesting to see where there mind & headspace is currently at; all I can think about is in the 10 minutes before they began and roughly 30 minutes after they finish the episode, at the very least another episode could be watched with 10-15 minutes to spare for discussion and in total 25 considering the 10 minutes before they even press play. This is probably one of the worse sequence of episodes in anime you would hate to watch only one a day because of the pacing and its funny to see how antsy Lola & Milena are to watch more, not wanting any of the scenes to be repeated or dragged out because they know there only going to watch a couple a day and one episode is covering maybe a minute in real time at most. Milena especially seemed antsy when that Pouf scene was being dragged out about how worthless he was because it meant less time for the bigger plot points. I also understand that of course they have a lot of other things there busy with in their life whether it be school, work, family, friend etc. and they run all of there platforms by themselves including editing and whatnot but then wouldn't it make even more sense that maybe they shorten there discussions a fair amount so that they have more time to react to more episodes, other shows they are watching or maybe even spend that time editing? Correct me if I'm wrong but I think It would be in there interest as well as ours because of course they watch more episodes in a single batch and of course for us, more content is pushed out and we get to see there reactions either more frequently or more in one sitting. I honestly don't know how they do it because I'm sure we were all binging these episodes. Lowkey alot of this yapping, including the sort of leading/rhetorical questions is just a shot Im making at possibly convincing Lola & Milena to shorten there discussions so they can watch more lol... But I am genuinely curious about whether this has been suggested in the past and something they have addressed but regardless, this is just a suggestion and of course it's up to what you guys prefer and enjoy doing but if possible, it would be nice to hear from you guys (Lola & Milena) and all of my fellow viewers about what you think. Sorry for the essay, been following yall for a while and recently got on patreon but I always enjoy your guy’s authentic reactions, along with Studio Gek


God this arc is such a masterpiece. And it really doesn't matter how many times I watch it.

Kya Colosseum

Nooooo keep the long discussions!!! It's why L&M are the best around, they dig deep. And guys we're never getting more than 2 a week hahaha, you'd think after over a year of reactions people would have accepted that by now.


so true, it's like every time you watch it you see new things