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You are like a big kid on the inside, you love to be tickled, despite your big strong face and big figure!


Haa... haa... haa... haa... haa... ・・・・


Ho-ho-ho-ho-holy, what's wrong? You sound like a puppy.

You used to be a gangster, you're an embarrassing sight.


Oh... ah... ・・・・


I'm going to tickle your sweaty balls, between your legs, and anywhere else you feel like it, for hours on end.




Hahahaha, you're crying so hard, I'm going to make you cry until your juices run dry tonight.

Here, here, here's your favorite, the feather broom. Just thinking about what he's going to do with it makes you cum, doesn't it? But don't think you're going to come anytime soon.





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