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The sawiri, also known as "flower folk" by some locals on villages, are tiny magical creatures that mostly only care about living life plentifully. They don't start conflicts nor are of violent nature, they do can be a bit mischievous when they enter contact with other races, wich is often almost never the case since they're good at hidding.

Like fairies they posses magical organs that can be used to create mana, flower folk can make this magical susbstance by consuming metal and non-organic matter, mixed with food and their own life energy. Mana is consumed when their magical habilities are used.

This valuable fluid is seek by hunter to make a fortune by capturing and selling them for a good money.

Kippy, overconfidently, runs into one of these traps and is offered a deal to have a feast of coins to enjoy. Rest is for you to watch.

Please tell me what you think about my stories and characters! I love to expand on this world and to hear what you think.

I made a censored versions for those who are sensitive to throwing up.




That was great stuff!


You should totally do more with kipper. Maybe she has friends who are looking for her?