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Hello patrons, it's been a fair while.

As we move on into 2022, I just want to start off by wishing everyone a happy new year and happy holidays amidst the hard times especially in regards to covid.

Where have I been?

I do not want to write a wall of text regarding the lack of activity this past year or two, but long story short I just burned out really bad. I took a month of break in the beginning of the year hoping to bounce back, but a month turned into two, two into three, I was stuck in a rut basically. Every day I woke up feeling miserable just staring at my blank canvas, and I just couldn't work. I couldn't muster all the diligence and work ethics that I had built over the years. So I took some serious down time to self reflect on pretty much every aspect of my life, what enabled me to come this far, what is keeping me from moving forward and how I can prevent this from happening again.

What can you expect from my Patreon in 2022?

This year I'm committing to being active on every level, and work on building my work ethics back to where it used to be, and improve upon it. My number one priority is to catch up on the backlog going back from January 2020, here's how it's going to work.

2020, 2021 and 2022 rewards will be paired together. For instance, if you've pledged in either Jan 2020, Jan 2021 or Jan 2022, you will receive the same reward contents. This means that for each month a patron supports, one will receive ALTEAST three (3) different pieces with possible variations in accordance to their respective tiers.

Speaking of tiers, I've made some changes to further alleviate any form of friction and simplify my workflow. This will help me push more content in a fair manner without too much of a detriment to all the tiers.


KOUHAI ($1USD) supporters will receive the following perks :

  • Access to patron feed, and possible polls if applicable
  • Access to private Discord
  • Receive KOUHAI monthly rewards contents : ALTEAST three (3) artworks with possible variations WITH watermarks, LOW RESOLUTION ~1000-1500px 96ppi in JPEG. You will also have access to past KOUHAI rewards content.

On top of KOUHAI perks, SENPAI ($5USD) supporters will receive the following perks :

  • ORIGINAL resolution of my finished illustrations in PNG and/or PSD.
  • Receive SENPAI monthly rewards contents; ALTEAST three (3) artworks with possible variations WITHOUT watermarks, in ORIGINAL resolution ~4000-7000px @ 600ppi in PNG. You will also have access to past SENPAI rewards content.

On top of KOUHAI & SENPAI PERKS, WAIFU ($10USD) supporters will receive the follwing perks :

  • SOURCE FILE of my finished illustrations in PSD
  • Receive WAIFU monthly rewards contents; ALTEAST three (3) artworks with possible variations WITHOUT watermarks, in ORIGINAL resolution ~4000-7000px @ 600ppi in PNG, with PSD containing individual/unmerged layers. You will also have access to past WAIFU rewards content.
  • ??

To everyone who have supported me thus far, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Next update : January 4th 2022.



Happy to hear you're in a spot where you feel you're ready to come back. I'm really happy and excited to hear you're feeling better and getting back into drawing!!! Much love to you kana!! 🧡🧡

Sir Neko
