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Ahhh why can't I get over my mixed feelings on this pic >~<

Her pussy looks so good, but something about the breasts is off to me xD

I'll probably revisit later down the line, when I can point out the mistakes to myself ^^'




Really nice picture. Even though I have to wonder, how is the bunny tail attached to her?


Should I have been silent about the sketch? Maybe you're mixed feelings are because of that.


You say her breasts look off, but I think she looks awesome.


super happy to see more kuro nsfw! for the breasts, i can see two things - the nipples aren't aligned to start, but more importantly the top of the breast on the left shouldn't be convex, it should be concave - sloping downwards to simulate gravity's pull. as it stands, if you imagined it in 3d, it'd look like a comically large circular balloon. - edit: saying concave gives the wrong impression; i was thinking more of a gently sloping line downwards before rounding out a la https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&amp;illust_id=76301565


Nah, it's fine. It's more about my linework and colors that's bugging me, not proportions ^^


Hmm I understand what you mean about the nipples, but if I make the top of her left breast concave, it looks very saggy and not good either, so I don't think that's the problem that's plaguing me x.x https://sta.sh/02a2gq4kx8ce


To me things look great but then again I am noob so I am not much help there. Thanks for the amazing extra here Kuro. Always spicy. I don't think one looks larger than the other, it's the perspective doing that I think for people. I think it fits your style perfectly and is top notch Kuro.


The left boob seems larger than the right boob?


I still think she looks good :) Did I guess right? (I have no artistic talent WHATSOEVER lol)


I thought something was weird about the shape of the thighs, maybe not. Oh well, love it either way!