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My latest collaboration with Blue-Senpai who had me finish this pic of a rather busty elf girl. I've heard of her before, but IDK what anime she's from lol ^^

Our previous collaboration got leaked from my Patreon right away, which is really embarrassing for me T__T Please don't do that, especially so soon after I post it, otherwise I might have to stop sharing our collaborations :(




She's from "How not to summon a demon Lord"


Great art as always. I'm sad to hear that there was a leak. And She is from the anime "How to Not Summon A Demon Lord."


Love her!!! Super amazing work Kuro! Is it that the full resolution got leaked or just the image in general? Maybe you should look towards doing the rewards at the end of the month and not provide the full resolution right away? Sorry to hear that Kuro, hopefully you can find a way to prevent that a bit more.


I only shared the uncensored image on here, so I imagine that it was full res :o I'm nor sure how to go about it, since I like being able to share stuff as I make it x_x Hopefully people will just be more mindful in the future


Dammit pple, this is why we cant have nice things