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Hey guys hopefully the last health update. So I finally went to the doctors and found out I actually had Pneumonia so I am finally getting antibiotics and nasal spray to help get rid of that so I can finally heal and not be sick anymore 🫠. It’s been a rough couple of weeks and I really want to get back to watching a lot of shows and exercising.

Thank you all for your kind words I know this month has been lacking content 😭

I’m working on making a super post of Mushoku tensei the entire season will be available for senpai tier tonight



That's not a word I've heard in many years. Haven't had a fever since hospitalized for pneumonia for 1 week like 5 years ago. Only got flu once for a week last year cuz I accidentally made myself cold during snowy day when walking to massage appointment


Welp. That's sad to hear. I hope you get better. I've been rewatching Prison School and I've enjoyed your reactions to it so far! Take your sweet time getting well. Your health should be your #1 priority.

Jared Williams

Take all the time you need and feel better soon!


take your time!


Take your time and don't overdo it once you start to feel better. Your health is #1


Pneumonia is awful.


Get well soon Jami


Damn that sucks, get well soon!