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Which Isekai to start first

  • Konosuba 206
  • Slime 252
  • Mushoku 141
  • 2024-04-19
  • —2024-04-20
  • 599 votes
{'title': 'Which Isekai to start first ', 'choices': [{'text': 'Konosuba ', 'votes': 206}, {'text': 'Slime', 'votes': 252}, {'text': 'Mushoku ', 'votes': 141}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 20, 1, 30, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 19, 14, 29, 27, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 599}


YES I want to watch them all and I will watch Konosuba, Slime and Mushoku. I’ve just been feeling a bit Nervous of a major Isekai burnout I really wish these all didn’t air at the same time

Am currently going to binge 2 ep first of whatever wins the polls today to post this weekend

But will also catch up to the other 2 isekais and watch them this weekend to post for next week so I don’t fall behind.


TO WATCH WEEKLY ***these reactions are on patreon currently*** I think some konosuba might’ve gotten taken down for copyright but I mean THIS SEASON.

I think there is confusing I HAVE SEASON THE SEASON 2s for all of these shows already


Kyle Smith

This is just my opinion on it but i don't think burnout exists in the way people like to present it. I think what people are really burned out on is bad writing, bad adaptations, low quality productions, etc. I don't personally need to worry about this with existing shows like Slime, Mushoku, or Konosuba because i have already seen what they are offering and know for the most part they are good shows that i will enjoy for most part. To me the worry exists when starting a new Isekai or anything that is from a really popular genre because you never know what you are going to get when soo many of them are so poorly produced.


Once I saw the poll I understood that you were talking about which Iseki to resume with the new season, and I'm glad to see that you'll be getting back into Slime soon. However, if we WERE to talk about new Isekis then I do have a couple to recommend, both of which aren't exactly your typical Iseki. The first is Doctor Elise: The Royal Lady with the Lamp, which aired the last episode of the first season a couple of months ago. The other is The New Gate, which has 2 episodes out currently with the third coming out Saturday around noon. Now I won't spoil what makes these Isekis different than others, especially since they show it in the first episode of each, but I believe that you'd enjoy them both when you get a moment to check them out (especially the first, I personally am impatient for season 2 to be ready for viewing)