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Let them come.

Hope you enjoy the page, and hope you enjoyed the year! I'm sorry this issue went on for too long. January is when this issue ends with 3 more pages. Then, at some point, C.O.W will return with a 6th issue...

...but not immediately. We have a Soniq Dahog comic to go through first (and a Werebabe one but I came up with Soniq Dahog's script first) <3 I'll try to showcase the cover art for the Soniq Dahog comic in February as well, wish me luck on that. I really want to work on something other than C.O.W for the time being as I believe everyone agrees we kind of need a break.



Austin Morrison

Yeesh that third panel is gruesome! One Chaos was enough trouble but a whole mob of them? Instant flood. And it looks like Sonic’s just about ready to fit into her role as Chaos Mother. And yeah I wouldn’t mind a break from ChaoLactosis. Looking forward to whatever you’ve got planned in 2024!


The story is getting VERY interesting! All this chaos coming from beeg hedge boobas