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DON'T FORGET THE TWITTER POLL!  Some people have told me they did NOT know about the two concurrently running polls! The TOTAL of both polls count so don't waste your choice!

The last poll was INSANE. Twitter's 3rd choice actually WON in total votes, leaving the fan-favorite FemScourge behind by a mere 10 votes. Power of Patreon votes, everybody!

Arabian Nights? Western Noir? Japanese video game fanservice? American sci-fi superhero horror? Added a lot of flair to these bios this time around so hope you dig! These are some of my favorite stories & designs. Let's see what takes over Sonic this time!

You can read the story bios for all individual characters by downloading the images in attachments, checking the Twitter poll or in the #sonikko-prime channel of my Discord server! Waiting for your votes <3



Austin Morrison

Again so many of these polls have been such a hard choice

Austin Morrison

Just read the bios and I have a question, is Genie Sonic supposed to be a duplicate of the actual sonic? Like, did the lamp somehow clone him?


Gonna make some noise for Noise!


Symbiote plus Sonikko is all I want, yes. :D


all very creative, but I'm going with the troopa for the added novelty of the Mario Sonic crossover


Cant get on twitter. I don't own a Cellphone. I`m a man. With like 1 friend. An we only meet at the the Gaming Club. So. Yeah. no Twitter.


But i Tell you what you could add in there. A Fallout 4 or Fallout in general Concept story. Id read a story of a vault dweller.


Id love that. But Vault Hog concept was already in one of the first polls, sadly it didn't get much attention. If you check the Sonikko Prime tag you can find it.