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We going worldwide to take the things that we need.

Extreme apologies for... basically everything? Last month we hit a down-low of content that's unprecedented. I tried my best to keep it all going but that was all I could do. As you're aware, I've gotten a big load of commissions - and they helped me by the skin of my teeth ;-; Thank you so much and I'll be constantly working to get everything out and in order and be worthy of your support.

I also said this page would be another splash page -- it IS half of it, the next page looks exactly like this where Sonic will visit the remainder of destinations to get all these silly little gems. We'll meet again then, by then hope you like the page!

As for content more than seeing Sonic in tight little cute outfits -- that's what's page 10 gonna be. I know this issue was very light on that. I swear, i'll make it up <3 Cya!




That first scientist outfit, WOO