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I'm back! Sorry for the wait everyone. This page was made entirely on a bed and my god, my neck is so sore. Hopefully my Ikea workdesk is coming in tomorrow so no more of this, hopefully <3 Well, in any case - Here's the entire cliffhanger resolved. What will happen next??? Hope you like the page.




Oooh gosh I wasn't expecting the next part so soon! Fuck that body is still so hot. The legs, the toes, the boobs, the lips! I can't pick.


It didnt change her back, if anything it made her tits bigger


Alright! So excited for this continuation!

Punished Venom Rai

Part of me feels bad for tails, he didn't want to lose Sonikko and now shes leaving him


Well Tails if you can't beat'em join'em! :D *tosses him into the Femme-O-Tron 9000* ^^ &lt;3


Now things got interesting if there are indeed outside forces involved.


I knew he wouldn't be able to fix perfection! Now we just need Tails to see the light and we all live happily ever after! Time to get female Tails!


The art work its just Incredible. This coming from a guy who cant draw tits or ass. Mostly because of hip sizes. There are a lot of kinds.