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Hey everyone! Just the usual business chitchat.

Sorry about another slow month. I'll try to fill the rest of the days with something more sexy than just plot. Be on the lookout <3



Punished Venom Rai

Now if the Fox was female this would be a completely different conversation


Getting real jerk vibes from this guy.


Well then. Now we get to the problem. Will are hero take the deal? Or will she stick with her friend and make his dream a reality? Find out next time! ☺❤


Damn when a thigh is so big you need five hands to squeeze it.


You know...I have a suspect...between this guy precise knowlegde of sonic previous speed, and his intrest in the difference between past and present, as well as we can say manipulative hostility...and the fact that he has reddish hair color(it seem at first glance being B&amp;W and all)....and considering that he do know well about Robotnick body mod tech....ARE WE SURE Eggman was on that robot when it exploded? As there was no body left.....soo....I hav esuspect that is all.


not just jerk....He got some Ivo Robotnick vibe allright...


One day.....we all hope to see combo Sonniko and Tailsko form cuisine in comic form