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Here's the Issue #2 Cover for all y'all!  Her fraternizing continues as she's climbing any and all sorts of corporate ladder she fixes her eyes on.

For the PDF release of Issue #1, I am thinking of migrating the new logo design into it, as I don't think the original title logo was really up to snuff.  Hope you enjoy. Don't forget, to see the entire comic, all you have to do is to upgrade to Exotic Idol tier.



Lucareon Vee

Yes!!! Lipstick marks! Hope that's included in the comic ^^

Stellar Flare

I hope when this series is finished we can just a zip of all the issues


SO GOOD! ❤w❤


If you are going to update the logo to this new one, the tagline reads better with "is now a" instead of "now is a", due to the the lack of comma (which would make the current wording flow OK). Visually quite nice though, just a bit of grammar and flow that needs adjusting.


Never have I wanted to be a high-powered businessman than right now so I could get some nookie from the COW


Cannot get over the art style. Its really great!